High build, clear, thixatropic coating

Discussion in 'Materials' started by dinoa, Oct 18, 2010.

  1. dinoa
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    dinoa Senior Member

    Can anyone help me find a thixatropic CLEAR coating that will not run on vertical surfaces? Self leveling, high build clear coats are fine for horizontal surfaces, but what do you use when filling on verticals while allowing the wood surface to show through. Thixatropic additives like fumed silica reduce the clarity of clear resins. Is there another way of getting a thick clear coat not to sag?

  2. TeddyDiver
    Joined: Dec 2007
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Almost any clear lacquer can do that.. just thin layer at once and a lot of them..
  3. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Thin coats and many of them . . . It would be nice if you could apply a single coat and have the film thickness you desire, but there isn't any product I know of that offers this, so lots of thin coats . . .
  4. dinoa
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    dinoa Senior Member

    Yes I'm familiar with the onion skin method but was hoping there might be a one shot product. I was also hoping it was easily sandable, cheap, available, long shelf life etc. It's nice to dream. Thanks.

  5. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    There are clear PU fillers on the market which are relatively thick.
  6. dinoa
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    dinoa Senior Member

    Could you suggest a brand?

    Thanks, Dino
  7. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    The USA made Bristol Finish is a high build clear PU and has reasonable thixotropic qualities, but you have to be careful of damp nights, it can go milky quite easily (how would I know?)
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I too am a fan of Bristol, but on vertical and overhead surfaces, these heavy polyurethanes have difficulty. In any case, you'll still need several coats to build up sufficient film thickness.

  9. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    Tweecolux from De IJssel...
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