Hi, first post, wanna build a monstrosity....

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by parkland, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Tad
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Tad Boat Designer

    It's Lulworth, named after Lulworth cove in Dorset. The boat is a Saunders-Roe stepped hydroplane, what it has to do with this thread I can't fathom.........:rolleyes:
  2. parkland
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    parkland Senior Member

    So now I'm thinking of integrating wheels and a hitch into the actual boat structure.
    In a perfect world, this is a terrible idea.

    A trailer for a boat this big will easily weigh a few thousand pounds.
    Seems better to put that weight into stronger structure and thicker hull.

    If the folding side pontoon design was used, the wheels and suspension rig could fold up out of the water.

  3. parkland
    Joined: Jul 2012
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    parkland Senior Member

    So I just wanted to update this a bit....

    I am still dreaming and designing, but I am strongly considering ditching the aluminum hull idea, and going with pontoons.
    Not only has it been hard to find any aluminum welders around, but there is something to be said for using pontoons made by professionals.

    Right now my drawing looks like a giant box trailer, and the pontoons fold over the roof.
    I will still have plenty to keep me busy, but not as extreme as building the hull as well.
    I'm thinking I'll just weld all the framing and such out of steel, but I might look into aluminum, and bolt it together instead of welding.

    Near the front, the engine (s?) will sit in a "rocker tub", that has the prop shaft going under the body at an angle down into the water. This design will allow using inboard parts, but lifting the props right out of the water, and up and away for towing.

    I will scribble a drawing soon.
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