Help in finding a low draft Convertable Boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Gordy, Mar 8, 2019.

  1. Gordy
    Joined: Mar 2019
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    Location: Cape Coral Florida

    Gordy New Member

    I recently became a property owner in Cape Coral Florida on the canal system. To enter the canals in my area, there are areas that can be 2.5 feet or less. I would like a 32-40ft fishing/Cruiser similar to a Convertible. I do not want Stern drives, or Outboards. Are there "Tunnel Drive" or low draft boats that have the lowest draft? Prefer diesel, cabin, head, and the like. Any good/bad/ugly to look out for?
  2. Barry
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Barry Senior Member

    what type of speed do you need in the canals and what type of distance do you have to travel from bigger depths
  3. Gordy
    Joined: Mar 2019
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    Gordy New Member

    In the canal it's a No Wake Zone, so your around 4-5 knots. Cruising probably 30 knots or under. Would like to go from Fort Meyers to Key West, possibly the Bahamas. 200 miles on single leg

  4. kapnD
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Rauel Parkers “Commuter” comes to mind as an extremely shallow draft vessel that can handle some seas and show a nice turn of speed when conditions permit.
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