help 26' carver monterey bulkhead separating from hull

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by fatboy308, Mar 7, 2012.

  1. fatboy308
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    fatboy308 Junior Member

    hi i bought a 1984 26' carver monterey i noticed under the deck portside at i guess the bulkhead the fiberglass wall ( very thin 1/8" with no plywood on inside) it is separated from the bottom hull from the out side rib to the side & up 1/2 way is this a load bearing structure or is this just to keep fumes out of the cabin??? it is fiberglassed in only on the stern side & not very much mabe 1" i need to know if i need a total rebuild for stucture or i can just smoo it to seal it up????? anyone please help thank youmark
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Can you post a photo?
  3. alan white
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    alan white Senior Member

    1/8" is not enough thickness to support the shape of the hull of a boat of that size. The engine compartment should be seperated from the rest of the boat though. It would be smart to check whether any other damage has occurred in that area, and then repair the seam with some glass tape and resin.
  4. fatboy308
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    fatboy308 Junior Member

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    Last edited: Mar 9, 2012
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It looks like there should be a plywood core behind the fiberglass. It is either delaminated or the wood rotted away.
  6. fatboy308
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    fatboy308 Junior Member

    hi well if there was wood behind it ,wouldn't it have fiberglass on the other side of the plywood??? mark
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Not necessarily.
  8. fatboy308
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    fatboy308 Junior Member

    gonzo your killing me . if i get to the back side of this ( under the head ) & there is no wood, would you assume that it is not structural & i can just shmoo it??? or how can i get original blueprints or plans or someone who knows what was put in when they built it??? i need help thank you so much mark

  9. fatboy308
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    fatboy308 Junior Member

    gonzo i have gotten to the backside of it ( under the head ) there is no rotten wood. the rib is solid. i think when built it they put cardboard in the gap & sprayed fiberglass. i think this is a type of sealer so the fumes do not get under the cabin. if there is no wood can i assume this is not structural & i can epoxy it & seal the cracks instead of tearing it all out & replacing?????? ( alot smaller of a job ) thank you mark ( more pics )

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