help 1988 sx-17 glastron

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by kenrahe, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. kenrahe
    Joined: Apr 2010
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    kenrahe Sunseeker

    can anybody help me identify this manifold on a 1988 glastron sx-17 3.0 liter merc.. i'm trying to get parts to reconnect the exhaust system and any links to sites that would show origanal exhaust system.. and a wiring diagram for this year boat I got it in a trade....also is there another way to find the serial number of the motor it's wore off origanal spot

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  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    That is an aftermarket manifold. The 3.0 liter engines had several upgrades on the exhaust manifolds and thermostat housings because of overheating problems. If you mismatch components your engine will overheat.
  3. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    That's the second generation GM 181 (3.0 L) manifold and a really common part, easily available at any marine parts store or on line.


    The manifold is the 6 bolt 120-140 model and the part number is BARMC-1-99798 and cost about $250. It's the same manifold used on the 2.5 L engine as well and also can replace the 5 bolt model. Yours appears to have the one piece elbow.

    I can't see the condition of the parts, but as Gonzo has mentioned, you're likely best advised to just replace the whole shooting match and start with a level playing field, rather then fiddle around with quarter of a century old parts.
  4. kenrahe
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    kenrahe Sunseeker

    thanks par and gonzo

    It's a two piece aluminum (Round like the part you showed me in the upper left but two piece's) I'll take a better picture of the two piece's.. and I'm trying to find the piece's that goes from the two piece to the lower exhaust pipe and what kind of bellows it needs and does this type need a flapper...also do you have any pictures or diagrams of the wiring to the distributor..also it has a holly two barrel is that correct for this motor....any and all diagrams for this motor would be greatly apprecated.. also any idea of year serial number is wore off the sticker as you can see in picture's..I'm want to order a service manual....
  5. kenrahe
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    kenrahe Sunseeker

    here's some more pic's par and gonzo

    This is the two piece riser first pic is of the piece that attaches to the manifold the next two pic's are of the piece that attaches to that and points down to the lower exhaust tube need to know the parts from that to the lower tube

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  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Where have you looked to find the parts you need? Again, these parts are widely available, what is the issue you're having? You may have to replace the 2 piece elbow with a single piece (fewer leak points), but I know there are two pieces parts available too, so . . .
  7. kenrahe
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    kenrahe Sunseeker

    There are no piece's from the elbow down to the lower exhaust tube i.e. bellows -tube -bellows peices and part numbers of those needed... I don't know those parts I need also if I could figure out the serial number since the original one is gone except for the transom serial number I'd order me a service manual..can you tell me where I might find the serial number on the motor if they put it in a couple of places...
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2012
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Again, where have you looked for parts? These are all very commonly available and frankly, if you're having trouble finding them you're just not looking. I mean no offense, but try typing in Mercruiser 3.0 out drive parts and watch how many thousands of hits you get. You could be more specific with manifold search, but the parts are literally everywhere.

    The problem I suspect isn't the availability of the parts, but knowing what you need, what you have and where to get it all. You might be best advised to just take it to the local marine repair shop and have them order up the parts you need. They'll know what a 120-140 second generation 181 GM manifold setup looks like when they stare at it and the parts that go with it. Or you can bump around here asking about things that are really easy to find in a marina, boat junk yard or marine parts store.

    There are lots of on line stores that can get you brand new and rebuilt parts for your boat. Try
  9. Bglad
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    Bglad Senior Member

    In your picture showing the whole side of the engine (bottom left shot in your first post) there is a small white rectangle on the side of the flywheel housing visible next to the top of the trim/tilt pump. That is in the location where you will usually find an aluminum tag with the serial number stamped on Mercruiser gas engines.

    Also if you are not using the boat in freshwater you would be well advised to get rid of the jacketed aluminum parts on the exhaust system. They will not hold up to use in saltwater eventually leaking inside or out causing you problems. Cast iron will hold up much better.

  10. kenrahe
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    kenrahe Sunseeker

    Got parts got it running but I'm getting smoke out of the vent tube on the vale cover motor was sitting for a long time is this normal or should I look at a possible cracked head
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