Hello, i bought a new boat and need alitle help in the paint .

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by moka, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. moka
    Joined: Dec 2015
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    moka New Member

    I just bought a new boat here 's the photo.


    It's made from wood covered with 6 a layer of fiberglass .
    The Paint type 's gel coat .

    I want to start to add a new look, i was thinking to spray the black Hull with gel coat metal flake, or change the black color to white color. Any suggest!

    i have Gelcoat Equipment (Da sander - spray gun (HVLP) 1.8 ,1.4 .1.2mm nozzle etc... )

    Also The seller give me ( 80 K.g of clear gel coat and 40 k.g of PVA and hardener, pigment black , white, red...etc )

    I have a little idea about spray gelcoat supposed to be followed: correct me if I'm wrong!

    1- sanding all the Hull with DA sander 80 or 120 grit
    2-MEK with a cloth wiped and clean it's so good
    3-Use a 1.8 nozzle for first two coats providing buildup
    4-Final coat with a 1.2 nozzle and at a higher ratio of thinning (8% styrene thinning to gelcoat by vol)
    5-Spraying PVA over gelcoat ( i waiting 24h before spraying PVA)
    6- Wash the hull with water and soap (after 48h)
    *There some Changes in the steps if i use metal flake:correct me if I'm wrong!
    1- sanding all the Hull with DA sander 80 or 120 grit
    2-MEK with a cloth wiped and clean it's so good
    3-Use a 1.8 nozzle for first two coats providing buildup (with color i choose)
    4-Mixing the clear gelcoat with metal flake as well
    5-Use a1.4 nozzle for spraying the clear gelcoat it's mixing with metal flake
    6- After 24h Use 1.2 nozzle for final coat it's clear gecloat
    7-Spraying PVA over gelcoat ( i waiting 24h before spraying PVA)
    8-Wash the hull with water and soap (after 48h)
    When i was discuss with the seller he told me they spray gelcoat direct to the fiberglass without primer it's problem ?:!:
    Thanks for every one taking the time to answer my questions and help me out
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    First thing you need to find out, is what kind of coating or coatings are on the hull now.
  3. moka
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    moka New Member

    it's Clear gel coat. made in Taiwan it's come in barrel (100k.g= 27 Gallon)
  4. Barry
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    Barry Senior Member

    Our 40 foot is an extremely dark blue color, it almost looks black, and scuffs from the bumpers in time have left noticeable marks. After 4 years (only 24 months moored) I am going to have to cut polish them out. My adjoining neighbors boat is white and has been in salt water maybe 8 years and there are not any visible scuff marks in his gelcoat and we use the same type of bumpers

    Have you considered painting it instead as I believe paint will keep a higher gloss longer
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  5. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    The short answer is your plan for re-gelcoating isn't even close to being correct, so scrap it.

    If you plan to actually do the work a more detailed method with a much higher chance of success can be supplied.

  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Gelcoat should be sprayed directly over the fiberglass or previous gelcoat. Primer is a really bad idea. The vendor doesn't seem to know the product he sells. Metal flake is very hard to apply and need a special gun to spray it. If you have gelcoat, and it is really strange that they used clear gelcoat, just sand it and spray on top. Use a product like Duratec to thin it and won't need to use any wax. With a 50% mix it sprays like an enamel and with a high gloss.
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