gunnel gunwale fender rubber

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by garrybull, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. garrybull
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    garrybull Senior Member

    i have now got 2 corner caps to fit my fender rubber when i get it.

    i have found the rubber i need which fits the caps.

    only place i can find it is in australia and they want just under £150 for the fender which is about the right price but delivery is £165 and theres no way im paying that for delivery.

    this is the fender im after

    im hoping some one on here may know some where else i could buy it from with cheaper delivery.
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  2. Udlman
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    Udlman New Member

    How much do you need?
  3. garrybull
    Joined: Nov 2010
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    garrybull Senior Member

    need 17 mtrs mate.
  4. Udlman
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    Udlman New Member

    Ok. I have about 10m here. 10m is quite heavy so I would say that 17 is going to be really heavy. Unfortunately postage from Australia isn't cheap. We have friends in Swansea and it costs us about A$90 to send a parcel to her, to send the same weight back to us costs her about 25 quid.

    Cheers, Brad.
  5. SukiSolo
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  6. garrybull
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    garrybull Senior Member

    ok mate thanks.

    i have another chap in australia looking in to it for me.

    he has said the fender weighs in at 11.5kg plus packaging.

    he is just waiting on costs to send it over to me so hopefully it won't be too expensive.
  7. garrybull
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    garrybull Senior Member

    ive tried lots of places in the UK now and no one has the profile im after.

    i'll try walker rubber and see if they can make up what im after but can't see it being cheaper than buying it from australia.
  8. SamSam
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  9. garrybull
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    garrybull Senior Member

    i want the fender in the other pic in the ebay link.

    i can get it delivered from australia for £292 which isn't the end of the world really.

    just looked on the link you posted and they only have 3 fenders which only 1 would work but at nearly $400 plus shipping i don't think it would be any cheaper really.
  10. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    Who did you get the postage quote off gary. Might be worth trying dhl if you haven't already. Aus post is pretty expensive these days. Seafreight is cheap if you can wait a couple of weeks for it. I sent a manifold to florida once .it was 70 aud by sea and 300 by air.
  11. garrybull
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    garrybull Senior Member

    got the quote off the guy selling it on ebay.

    his ebay shop is rubber_online

    his price is $555 aud all in and is sent by air mail.

    id like to get it sooner rather than later but no mad rush really.

    as for getting a quote of dhl in australia i wouldn't know where to start.

  12. garrybull
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    garrybull Senior Member

    all sorted on the fender now.

    i managed to get the ebay seller in australia to lower his shipping costs :D
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