Guidelines for design of oil tanker

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by athvas, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. athvas
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    athvas Senior Member

    i am looking for the guidelines (brief) for design of oil tanker less than 80 m length. could any one list out the key features to be considered in the design of oil tanker.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    in a quick response, without much thought, I can think the following points to consider:
    - Coefficients of the hull, block, prismatic, etc.. with very high values
    - Compliance with MARPOL.
    - Double hull and double bottom required.
    - Ballast tanks need to get a proper draft when the boat is lightly loaded.
    - Study of the problems caused by sloshing.
    - Longitudinal structure.
    - Free surface effect.
    Sure there are several additional points to consider but, for starters, the previous ones will entertain you for a while.
  3. athvas
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    athvas Senior Member

    Thanks for your response TANSL..
    Is double hull mandatory for oil tankers? ... In my case the DWT is 1000 tons ... Is single hull with double bottom acceptable?
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I think the double hull is mandatory for all tankers. But to find out for sure, consult regulations, consult the Maritime Authorities of your country, to see if, by vessel type, size (do not think so) or traffic going to do, it may be exempt in some way.
  5. athvas
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    athvas Senior Member

    Hi TANSL,
    In addition to your points for requirements for tankers, i have listed out some more requirements to comply for tanker....
    - Deck foam fire extinguishing system
    - Gas Detection system (Portable gas detectors/O2 Analysers)
    - Additional Fire Fighter's outfit in addition to the requirements for cargo ships
    - Life Boat in addition to rescue boat
    plz let me know if any items to be added regarding safety requirements.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Of course there are many more requirements for tankers. I do not remember everything but the consultation of the SOLAS and MARPOL will indicate you a few. Nothing but the fire protection you are getting some active protection and PASSIVE fire protection. Stability and pollution, for example, intact ship and damage, will condition the ship's number, distribution and spacing between bulkheads. Classification Societies have special requirements for tankers. Choose any CS and read its rules for tankers, see how it is very instructive.
    I do not know what else to tell you, I have a general idea but I'm not at all expert in tankers.

  7. Murat124
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    Murat124 Junior Member

    it will be necessary to arrange a specification for designing. This will bring design restrictions of tanker

    First Step : To decide about particulars
    Target :To reach maximum cargo capacity with a reasonable speed and within the current stability criteria, particulars ( length, beam, draught, depth)

    if Length < 80 m, check IMO stability and Damage stability criteria
    check particulars for intended speed
    Check particulars for initial stability calculation
    Check Partiulars for flag state fees or straits, passages, channels prices

    Oil Tanker or Product Tanker

    Check Int Bulk Chem Code which cargoes intended, how many segragations needed ?

    Decide location cargo compartments check stability

    with all these, you will have enough restriction for desing tanker and
    direct you to choose effective class notation for your study
    To choose correct Class notation will be the right adress for you
    Classification society rules acc to class notation will direct you to find relevant
    rule or regulations for detail design
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