Groper has made me an infusion convert

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by khaos, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    Final layup will be gelcoat over epoxy. I have to get some double cut foam core. the curve is compound but it is gentle. 12" diameter curl with a 4" bow on 16' :D

    If it were a pure curl I would do as you did on some of your interior parts and bent it after the infusion had set. But not cured as I recal. I'll have to read that again.
  2. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    Finally got out and laid the first layer of epoxy on the mold. It will need a second coat for sure the hardboard and MDF sucked up all I would give it. Hopefully it will cure at that thickness. Used the last of my older resin and catalyst. Fairing should be pretty easy since I got the mold very fair prior to the epoxy. :)
  3. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    Here was the first fairing: (This is 8'x4')


    Some pitting in the transition:


    Fresh coats of epoxy:


    When this hardens I will be able to sand and polish:


    Imagining this 2 by 3. Thats a lot of deck!!!

    More here if anyone cares.
  4. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    Sanding neat epoxy is a pain in the ***... after assembly, i would have applied the epoxy as a thickened mixture using micro balloons and cabosil. Once cured, sand it fair, repeat if nessesary as its hard to get it perfect in 1 pass. Then after that, id seal the whole thing with a gloss black 2 pack polyurethane paint system, sprayed on - makes it easy to see your layup or any imperfections in the mold... PS- I gave you the heads up on this, check out page 3 of this thread...

    Judging by the reflections in those pics, you got some more fairing to do if you want it perfect... and you cant do it with a random orbital either, you need to bust out the old torture board to get it schmick... the longer the better, such as a peice of RHS steel with velco hooks glued on for the sand paper and a couple rods welded on top to grab onto, then you and a mate go at it for 20 mins or so - but dont even think of trying this on neat epoxy, its just too hard and youll be there all day having a heart attack...
  5. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    Yes this was to be the last coat before the 2K catalyzed paint. this was supposed to be a flow coat. Problem. The resin didn't set. :( I am not an eyeball mixer either. I have mixing cups and mixed 3:1. I mixed for about 60 seconds with a mixer on a drill.

    I guess its possible that the temp took a dive after I went back inside... I am going out to mix a small batch to insure it is still good. :mad:
  6. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    OK, I figured out what the problem with the last mix was. Me. As are about 95% of epoxy issues it was the user. I used the wrong bloody scale on the mixing cups. Normally I go by ounces this time I used the scale on the cup and I am sure I botched it. I know 3:1 is not that hard but apparently it was for me that night. :(

    I also believe that the mold is ruined. Since it is so porous the badly mixed resin was absorbed and I believe will never cure and only cause problems later. I could see part of the mold breaking off on to my part. The hardboard I was using for the large flat was swollen in places... The entire thing is essentially moisture damaged.

    This time, I will not trip over dollars to pick up pennies. I will do it correctly. So back to the drawing board.

    ps. I know some folks have used vinegar and acetone to clean up these types of mistakes. I would agree to some extent if this were not MDF and so absorbent.
  7. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    Might be ok... Wipe it all off with heaps of rags soaked in vinegar and methylated spirits then try again. How many parts do you intend on pulling from this mold?

    Btw... Get yourself some digital scales, only 10bux for a set of kitchen type ones, throw the mixing cups in the bin :)
  8. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    Pulling at least 4. Likely 6. Its a very pleasant curve and I believe that I will be able to make use of partial areas of the mold for smaller parts.
  9. groper
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    groper Senior Member

    Most likely be ok if you just clean it off with rags and then reapply the resin... its not like this mold has to last forever...
  10. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    Tried to clean it but the tool started coming apart. :/ So I am making a new one this weekend I guess.
  11. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    Well, I have updated the build website site. All of the images have descriptions. I have to add some of the new mold that I have made. BUt the site is much improved. I was unable to edit the posts in this thread that had images. The new system uses website structure and builds my slideshows allowing me to just add photos and new folders are added to the brady bunch type front page as a separate 'window'.
  12. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    Your hi-def pic's location is not accessible "forbidden" . Is that also your website?
  13. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    It is my website. The issue is I can't edit the posts :mad: So the main interface is how you get to the better images. Just click on the section and you will be sent to that area. I have also placed a redirect so the hi def link will work from this thread.

    The change was to make it so I can simply upload photos and they will just show up.

    I have made some changes to facilitate the sites inability to edit the posts.

    Thanks for looking. :)
  14. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    There is so much experience from mistakes and great ideas in those infusion threads I am following here. :D

  15. khaos
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    khaos Infusion Padawan

    I have been working on a new mold and bloody work and responsibility is overwhelmingly annoying let me tell you. Any way I have reconstructed the entire way I looked at the mold for my purposes.

    I will post some pics tomorrow. :) I still need to glass the mold.

    Lesson learned: epoxy resin will reactivate gorilla glue and make it swell like crazy!
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