Grace repairs

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Aaron Darby, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. Aaron Darby
    Joined: Feb 2021
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    Aaron Darby Junior Member

    Just to tie all my repairs into a single thread.
    64’ Harkers Island, The Grace
    I’ll post a separate post below for each item being worked on and link the current threads. I’m focusing below the water line while she is out of the water but there is a lot of other work (you don’t say).
    -leak at strut Strut repair
    -damaged and checked chine
    Chine work
    -leaking transducer
    -replace transom underwater lights

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    Last edited: Feb 4, 2021
  2. Aaron Darby
    Joined: Feb 2021
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    Aaron Darby Junior Member

    Transducer had a broken fairing block inside the hull and it leaked a bit. Lots of splash zone kept it from being a catastrophic leak for the trip from Bahamas back to Virginia. I just replaced all the Furuno equipment with Garmin equipment while she was in Florida and of course it doesn’t work. The equipment I’m working with is Garmin 8616, GSD26, and Airmar R209. When the chart plotter is turned in it says the “transducer isn’t connected”. Well it is, and the wiring has been checked a minimum of 20 times to ensure it’s correct. It is frustrating because it’s not a simple check to see if the black box GSD26 or the transducer is faulty. I think I am going to have to install a new transducer but will wait till it gets tested on Monday
  3. Aaron Darby
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    Aaron Darby Junior Member

    4 underwater light on the transom are in operational. Seems straight forward, remove and replace. Anyone have some favorite lights?

  4. bajansailor
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