Global humans, Is warming to blame?

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Frosty, Nov 15, 2011.

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  1. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    What is wrong with the world, everyone is going nuts, Ive never seen such unrest, from the Arab spring , European debt, American debt, wall steets thievery, yet religion marches on blind, standing and trampling on all who gets in her way, a bulldozer crashing through the forests that we love and the lives of inocent people in the name of,---well could be many take your choice.

    Like a Queen ant she is kept fat and fed daily by ignorance and poverty.

    Im particularly interested in the great Zuku who lives up the mountains, if you sacrifice only 3 teenage virgins per year you will get 6 virgins in the house of Zuku when you die. As far as I know that the best deal around at the moment.

    Chritianity used to be popular untill virgins were offerd by the competition, suicide bombers tend to prefer that one,--untill they found out Susan Boyle was a virgin.

    Of course you may prefer re-incarnation but whats the point if you not allowed to remember previous lifes, you may not want to?
    But if you looking for a good safe death then surprisingly the Crocodile god from the Amazon is becoming a respected beliefe, at least its quick.

    Theres many to choose from and always has been but as in politics you dont get to hear about the little ones, yet can offer surprising alternatives to the common man.

    Whats doing this is the earths warming making us all turn mad.

    No matter how much the cost of funerals rise,- death still remains popular.

    If however you wanting to take wealth with you then offerings are small Egyptian funerals in Pyramids are poular but out of the financial reach of most ofd us, just a small golden dog god is a couple of million not to mention the real estate and architecture, labour is many thousands and catering is a night mare and at least 30 years notice is required for a good finish.

    Nope-- for must of us its bung it on a fire and a few kind words by those who have nothing esle to do and like salmon sanwiches. Money can not be taken with you on this one. It is harder for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of heaven,--so poor people are made welcome, ahh thats nice and convient.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    The answer is you are just getting old(er). Lost count of the older folk that told me the world had 'gone mad', it just takes a while to notice it, that's all.
  3. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    ...hey I love mankind, it is people that I cannot stand.
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  4. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Yep, Everyone is heading for where the climate is warmer....
  5. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    So Frosty, are we blessed or cursed with the ability to reason?

  6. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    He probably does not know, neither do I so I suggest, relating to your question, - "are we blessed or cursed with the ability to reason?", - - you consider both as potentially correct....... :D
  7. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    I'm not looking for the answer nor was I asking you masalai.

    Why do you feel it necessary to speak for someone else I wonder?

  8. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    Why do you feel it necessary to attack someone who's just joining what's supposed to be a friendly conversation, I wonder?;)
  9. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

  10. eyschulman
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    eyschulman Senior Member

    That is why there are boats so some of us who think the world and other poop is closing in can cast off for an hour a day or years. Take the Northwest passage to Alaska get off the main track and start counting bears and people.
  11. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    I went next door and asked frosty and his answer was 'unrepeatable', well, I cannot find the appropriate letters for the sounds emitted...... :D

    Ooooh I like that idea, from eyschulman, (counting bare people), but is not that region a little cold yet for that activity? is nicer there see image below
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2015
  12. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    You would.

  13. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Tom, Please be patient, frosty may post later... But read the original post and you will understand that it is "tongue in cheek" stuff - The title further alludes to this format... :eek: when He has something to comment on, he will... More feed more material to consider :p
  14. Submarine Tom

    Submarine Tom Previous Member

    Troy, you dock me points and make rude comments because you think I attacked someone for simply pointing out a few facts?

    I had asked Frosty the question, it's his thread, no need for someone else to speculate on his reply, it's counterproductive.

    Please remove your rude negative comment for your misunderstanding. It didn't even involve you in the first place.

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  15. troy2000
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    troy2000 Senior Member

    'Misunderstanding'? You were being unnecessarily rude and belligerent to someone who responded to what he considered idle chitchat instead of Holy Writ. I called you on it. What's to misunderstand?:confused::confused:

    Masalai is essentially a gentleman, although he may slip a little now and then under pressure. On the other hand, I make no pretense of being one. So I stood in, to give you the answer you deserved.:)

    This is a public forum. If you didn't want responses from anyone but Frosty, you should have sent him a PM.
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