Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by oceancruiser, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. oceancruiser

    oceancruiser Previous Member

    Which brand has good reliability, good service network, is quiet, is efficient, is simple to service, is vibration free, and has longevity [ Longest Charging hours before use by date to replace. ]

    Why do some boat owners say they are not an efficient way to charge a battery bank.

  2. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    Depending on the size, Northern Lights is good reliable product, especially in the larger sizes. Not familiar with any local brands down your way.

    If noise is a concern always get the factory sound enclosure, always get the upgrade exhaust system and always double isolate the mounting on a stiff foundation.

    "not an efficient way to charge a battery bank"

    Efficient in what way? If you don't need air conditioning depending on the boat type wind and/or solar might meet your needs along with your propulsion engine charging system.

  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Phasor makes simple dependable units that are pretty user friendly.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    There's no best, just ones appropriately sized for your wattage needs and of course marine grade.
  5. AndySGray
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    AndySGray Senior Member

    As the original post was about six months ago, wondered if the OP had made a purchase?

    I think the comment made about not an efficient way to charge a battery bank is a comment on charging rates?

    If we have a 120Ah battery which is at 50%, we could in theory charge it at 30 amps for 2 hours - in practice most batteries won't tolerate that sort of charge rate on a regular basis and the battery will get HOT. 10 amps over 6 hours is much better for the battery but of course you're running a genny for 6 hours!

    Modern chargers will fine tune the current delivery and a good one will feature a thermocouple (electrical thermometer) to both optimtimise charge rate (changes with temp) and prevent overheating the battery. Even so still be 4 - 5 hours.

    a 500 buck solar panel will deliver 10+ amps of charging (All Day Long!) & if you factor in fuel costs can be a really good bet. Also reduce the load - LED cabin and Nav lights will use less power in 10 hours than standard ones will in 30 minutes.

    Unless you need AirCon, the best Genset might actually be, as Keys suggested, None
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    Many folks that do not require air cond 24/7 find the Honda speed controlled units to be sufficient.

    Cheap to buy (compared to a fixed diesel) and the service life is excellent .

    Quiet, EZ to live with and powerful enough for air cond , if required.
  7. Charlie Marlow
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    Charlie Marlow Junior Member

    In an anchored cruising sailboat, you're living on battery power. I used a Honda 2k to charge a 400 amp/hr bank through the dock plug in. 90 minutes charged the bank, (not fully, a full charge is not the goal) and heated 6 gals of water for showers and dishes. The Honda was very portable, quiet, and full efficient.
  8. jonr
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    jonr Senior Member

    I agree, people seem to get quite good efficiency and total hours from Honda inverter generators.

    Eventually we will see more people using lithium batteries - they are a better match for quick and/or partial charges from a generator.

  9. Westfield 11
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    Westfield 11 Senior Member

    Yamaha make just a good a unit as Honda.......
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