gaff cutter

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by peter radclyffe, Nov 4, 2010.

  1. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    last week i designed a 14 metre gaff cutter,this is about my seventieth design,i have to provide info for scantlings, G/A, tanks, engine, deck layout etc, can anyone please tell me what i need to responsibly market this , as i understand it i need at least a stabilty booklet, what does that involve & how much will it cost, thank you

  2. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    I like it.
    A Latiffa type overhang double ender, quite gracious, and elegant sheer, and plenty of draft and canvas.
    My kind of boat.
  3. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    thank you,yes i think all my interest is in pre-war boat types
  4. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    peter, nice little fella there, but if you intend to build to market it, why not simply get a known design, something that everyone will recognise and admire, and then you have at least a starting chance to make money because of the heritage of the designer, remember , it costs the same to make a good design as it does to make a bad design( I certainly am not commenting on your drawing here, it is nice to look at, but it has no provenance).....there are plenty to choose from and I doubt royalties would be applicable anymore on 99% of them.
  5. gimmi87
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    gimmi87 Junior Member

    beautiful boat! I love these boats especially those designed by William Fife 3 like Fyne, seabird, eva, Pen Duick 1. I'm an Italian engineering student and I have always wanted to draw some boat. I have read books like element of yacht design-skene and Principles of yacht design-larsson but I have not found support to draw a gaff cutter,I hope someone can help me and advise me some books
  6. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    i have been thru all that with alden & others, it will cost every boat you make, the designer needs paying, then if you want to change something you need permission, then you can only make one boat for every charge,then on & on, what a palaver, its easier to do it yourself, i have no reputation as a designer, i have to start somewhere
  7. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    fife, philips-birt, skene, soper, gaff rig, john leather, alden, nevins, lloyds, estlander, colin archer, sparkman & stephens, bruno veronese, costaguta, baglietto, sangermani, camatte, uffa fox, camper & nicholson, max oertz, abeking & rasmussen, rouse, simper, underhill, borlenghi, serafini, raget & chevalier,herreshoff, chapelle,mcbryde, mylne, watson, anker, nick potter, fred sheperd, claude worth, dixon kemp, stow, dickies, laurent giles, warrington-smyth, pinckney, alexandre paris, cornu, reimers,clark, payne, fay, gruber, berthons, rhodes, luders, dallimore, griffiths, alex stephens, de fries lentsch, mcpherson campbell, starling burgess, h white, lawley, clinton crane, eldridge mcinnis, adlard coles, logan,
    these are some of the people i've studied
  8. gimmi87
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    gimmi87 Junior Member

    can the gaff rig handbook help me for drawings the water line and the keel?
  9. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think you use "designed" in a rather loose way if you don't already have scantlings, construction details, etc. Depending on where you want to market the boat, the requirements will be different. You may be better off by hiring a NA to do the structural, rigging and other parts of the design.
  10. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    i have scantling, construction details etc, but even tho i can build this boat, i dont have a drawing office, & i know my amateur drawings will not be acceptable to customers who expect computer aided design, & stability info
  11. dskira

    dskira Previous Member

    The man who rebuilt Patience is in my book a complete Renaissance man.
    From the design to the launching.
    Peter can teach us a lot.
    Perhaps just asking the right question inset of questioning is ability will be the right course of action.
  12. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    thank you Daniel
  13. TeddyDiver
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    TeddyDiver Gollywobbler

    Much better than any of my sketches :) and, wood has a nature that bends by hand better than with a computer..
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  14. apex1

    apex1 Guest



    Just a thought. Perhaps you can find a well known "brand" and collaborate?

    You build "their" new range or model of boat, they sell it as their product.

    I build for several well known names in the US and Europe. No one knows about these agreements. (well, Daniel knows something about it, but he knows a lot about me anyway)

    That way, the company does the entire marketing and you have the same profit as if you would sell directly to a customer. (there is no real competition in your market segment, so can ask what ever feeds you, donĀ“t be shy)


  15. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    peter, I doubt that anyone wishing to purchase "your" boat would give a rats arse about computer designed drawings, you are marketing to the traditionalists, that is what they are, hand drawings would be more valuable to them than a print off from some CAD drawing set......go for it if you feel that they can be sold.

    We have (had) a terrific designer here by the name of Alan Payne, his drawings are almost collectors items now they are so good...mind you they also cost more than a plastic boat to buy.
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