Fusion 360 Stability plugin interest?

Discussion in 'Software' started by sensea, Oct 28, 2018.

  1. sensea
    Joined: Oct 2018
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    sensea New Member

    Wondering is any interest in someone writing a stability calculations plugin/add-on for Autodesk Fusion 360?
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I have a complete package of naval architecture software, including stability calculations, that runs in the AutoCAD environment. Could you be interested?
  3. sensea
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    sensea New Member

    Appreciate your quick reply. The software on your website shows many interesting features.
    My understanding is that AutoDesk Fusion 360, Inventor, and traditional AutoCAD have different programmatic interfaces.
    Can the TANsl ARQN software be run directly within Fusion 360 on say a (solid) body?, i.e. without have to export the model?
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2018
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    ARQN software can create, almost automatically, starting from the traditional body lines plan in 2D, a solid model of the hull, in dwg format, which can be exported in igs, dxf format to any other CAD / CAM software.
    The exchange between the various programs of Autodesk does not offer any problem.

  5. Dejay
    Joined: Mar 2018
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    Dejay Senior Newbie

    I'd be interested in this.

    I figure you can already do this "manually". Intersect a box with your model at different angles to create a new object and tweak until the volume of the resulting intersection matches your displacement. Then get the center of gravity of the displaced volume of water and use it as the center of buoyancy.

    So I think an addon for this wouldn't be all that hard to make if you know the API. It would be great to have the basic hydrostatic data from Fusion 360.

    Fusion 360 is a pretty awesome CAD software and it's free for students, amateurs and even startups below 100k. I tried to set up a more parametric hull model and to make use of constraints and measurements in the sketches, unfortunately I'm pretty new to CAD and Fusion 360 and totally new to boat designs so... I just made a mess of it haha. But if used right I think it has potential. But I don't know the "real" boat design software. I'm sure TANSLs software would make short work of all this.

    Is anybody using Fusion 360 for boats at all?
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