Fuel, Algae Diesel, Sharing info, taxes n future fuel.

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by thudpucker, Oct 13, 2010.

  1. thudpucker
    Joined: Jul 2007
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    NatGeo had an hour on Oil in the U.S. and the world.
    Our Enemies, Muslims and Russians have more oil than we do.:(
    The DOD is the largest Single user of Oil in the whole world. Most States are up in that bracket as well.

    Seeing that we are running close to shortages, the DOD must have looked into alternatives. Hoping the States have as well. The Israelis have.

    I wrote the DOD and AL:
    "Our taxes are paying you to be knowledgeable about the state of our supply, and the Alternatives."

    "On the subject of Diesel fuel made of Algae, I want you to tell us the facts. Share with us what you know and what the short comings are!
    If enough of us make the attempt, maybe we will come up with some of the Answers you need?
    Certainly it can be worth something if we can make our own fuel to take some pressure off the world market.
    So answer me soon!"

    We'll see!:p
  2. Before you do something in future that pretty much guarantees a cavity search at any airport terminal (like rant to DOD) I suggest you use this innovative tool we have access to called GOOGLE!






    This was 5 mins work on Google, I am sure all the answers you seek wasabi are already published somewhere online awaiting you to discover them...
  3. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Was it fun? Jumping on me like that?
    I was hoping others would join in to get some of the unpublished answers that we pay for but are not forthcoming without a query.

    Tell me, in all those links you posted, is there one documented person who's created the first bucket of the stuff and burned it in his Pickup or Tractor?
  4. I wasn't jumping on you... Just because you saw it on Nat geo bro? Seriously, DOD log their calls and I am sure with the over the top measures in place in the US that it would be a sure way of getting flagged by the machine, even your kids, friends and relatives. The net has everything (almost) and with some digging you will find what your looking for, usually it won't be the first page links, or easy to find but it will be there. Yes you will find that people, many, have pursued bio fuel methods aplenty and run engines successfully. It only takes a click on one of those links to start the journey...

    Also what is the reference to russia being enemies? The cold war ended along time ago, fundamentalism, regardless of what side is the enemy of us all. otherwise soon all of us will know how to say is baaaaaa baaaaaaa baaaaaaaaa like the sheep they want us to be.
  5. mark775

    mark775 Guest

    "Also what is the reference to russia being enemies" - "enemy" may be a touch strong, but how do you think the Iranians have a nuclear program? Putin is a vile creature and one step away from "dictator for life". Probably don't want to start something with them because they are verging on desperate but I think a watchful eye is in order. How close did we come to war when Georgia joined NATO Partnership for Peace and Russia attacked, partially to test our resolve. That was almost as loony as Ahmadinajad...but it happened.
    Also, Google searches are probably more likely to raise a flag than DOD phone calls. The DOD works for us, and are most helpful from my experience with DARPA.
    Look at who Google is and some of the crap they have pulled lately.
  6. I grew up in SE asia till I was 12. My father worked for the navy before the airforce and finally air defence,my mother worked for the navy before joining OPG. Rest assured that DOD, like any government department concerned with defence will make note of the ramblings of those who ring.

    I bet the Russians think the same of America! It is subjective and dependant on views...

    Forget Iran, it won't exist in our life time. Problem solved.

    If it was a true democracy we would all be speaking chinese or indian!

    All governments are for slaves imho...

    We need a cull on this planet sometime soon or we is screwed!
  7. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    I finally made contact with a person at DOD. I was handed off several times.

    One guy told me how DOD makes any inroads into some thing new.
    DOD don't do nothing with Oil. They put out RFP's for research, and when somebody puts up a plan that might work, the DOD writes them a Check.
    Ergo, nobody at the DOD knows anything about Algae Diesel.

    They do have somebody in St Louis MO. working on it though. I've not been able to get to that guy yet.

    The DOD guy that writes the Checks disagreed with me about Intelluctual Properties.
    The DOD writes a Check to get what they want developed. Then the DOD will either buy from that creator or put out another RFP for supply.
    So the DOD thinks the IP belongs to the Developer, even though we paid for it.
  8. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    I been running my truck on used motor oil for a few months now, runs like a bat out of hell. looks like hell to but thats my next project

    I have a friend who wrote Hinkley a thank you note
    he has two very nicely dressed agents who sit in his living room anytime there is a president passing through town. Oh and they cut off his veterans disability checks for about ten years as well.
    I also have several friends who are in prison on political charges because they were active members of AIM
    thing to remember
    the justice system has nothing to do with justice
    its a simple mater of protecting the haves from the have nots
    or to put it more succinctly
    its a club
    and you aren't in it

  9. bntii
    Joined: Jun 2006
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    bntii Senior Member

    Well put.
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