FRP boat building - Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by skodical, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. skodical
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    Location: Mangalore, India

    skodical Junior Member

    we are interested in start a new FRP fishing boat building yard at Mangalore, Karnataka, India. Is anybody interested in this business pl let me know at the earliest.
    with regards
  2. NURBS
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    NURBS New Member

    I may be interested in your endeavor.
    Please email with further details regarding your requirements.
    Best regards
  3. skodical
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    skodical Junior Member

    Thanks for your interest. May i know from which place you belongs to? pl give your name, company name and address for further process.
  4. ekamarine
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    ekamarine Junior Member

    What kind of interest are we talking about? Someone to work with you or something else?
  5. skodical
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    skodical Junior Member

    can we start a joint venture boat building yard at Mangalore? Are you a professional boat builder? pl give your details.
  6. Kobus Potgieter
    Joined: May 2004
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    Kobus Potgieter Naval Architect

    Dear sir
    We are a design office with experience setting up new facilities. We have set-up similar businesses all over the world.
    Have a look at our website on:
  7. skodical
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    skodical Junior Member

    FRP fishing boat building yard, MAngalore, India

    Dear Sir,

    can we start a joint venture fishing boat building yard at Mangalore, Karnataka, India?. what are all the basic infrastructure required to start this?
  8. Kobus Potgieter
    Joined: May 2004
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    Kobus Potgieter Naval Architect

    Yes we can. Email me on:
    to discuss this in depth, what you propose eg. Im always keen to start new assosiations.
  9. Prasad acharya
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    Prasad acharya New Member


    I know its a very old thread. I am interested, looking for the opportunity here. I already have a boat yard in Mangalore and we are specilized in building steel boats for fishing.
  10. KND
    Joined: Nov 2007
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    KND Naval Architect

    let me know how you would like to proceed

  11. Prasad acharya
    Joined: Apr 2014
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    Prasad acharya New Member

    KND could you please explain me in detail ?

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