Frenchman sets sail across Atlantic in a barrel!

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by JosephT, Dec 27, 2018.

  1. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Surely it gets unbearably hot in there, considering the Caribbean is the destination he hopes for. The Killer Whale I doubt will be among his main problems.
  3. dreamingbarrierreef
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    dreamingbarrierreef dreamingbarreef

    It's probably more about human endurance than boating. Least he probably get to be in the Guinness World Records, if succeeded..
  4. AnthonyW
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    AnthonyW Senior Member

    Presumably the section in the water will temper the temperature. I was more wondering about getting fresh air in rough seas as opening a porthole might not be wise, though I am sure this has been considered. Perhaps he has some clever pipe work.

    To be stuck in this in 3m long barrel in stormy seas (presumably he can strap himself down) for hours and hours on end would be unimaginably uncomfortable. Perhaps he can drop the buoyancy by flooding some tanks so he is more riding in the waves than partly on top.

    Each to their own - but as I tell my kids, just because you can, does not mean you should. For his sake I do hope it is successful for him, but part of me hopes the publicity does not inspire more people to take the risk who have less experience in small boats and less experience in stressful situations.
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  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    He'll probably be rescued, it'd be like being a cat in a spin dryer.
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The waterline is a good indication of their disregard for the laws of physics. However, it gives them more hull area to sell to sponsors.
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  7. dinoa
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    over Niagara as an encore
  8. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

    Lots of rum sponsors in the Caribbean Gonzo. I wonder what inspired the choice of a barrel. The only thing that comes to mind is the barrel scene in the Hobbit.

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  9. Dolfiman
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  10. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

    Well there you have it: Maker of barrels for wines & spirits. Something tells me the skipper will be having a rolling good time.
  11. Dolfiman
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  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    It doesn't look fun.

    Not sure how he would even catch a fish.

    They must have it setup to roll, but I can't imagine it would be much fun inside between the humidity and the rolling.
  13. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    It is so high above the water. Wonder why?
  14. JosephT
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    JosephT Senior Member

    Fantastic. I see he went with a twin keel. That will give him a flat resting spot during low tide.

    If he ever falls out of that barrel he may have a tough time getting back in. A rope ladder off of the stern would do it.

  15. JSL
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    JSL Senior Member

    looks like a barrel of fun...
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