FreeShip! to Michlet--Transom Sterns

Discussion in 'Software' started by OceanRhode, May 30, 2013.

  1. OceanRhode
    Joined: May 2013
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    OceanRhode New Member

    I'm designing some racing canoes, and am trying out transom sterns.

    I'm designing the models in Freeship Plus 3.4 and exporting them to Michlet 9.2. The only problem, is i'm not getting the Rh term in michlet to output for a certain reverse rake design. Any help would be very much appreciated.

    You already have to adjust the displacement to draft enough so the transom hulls show up. And you have to add a 3 for the new factor in 9.2. But the reverse rake design, is not showing up in the data...

    I've attached my Freeship files. Truncation is vertical transom stern that works fine. While Truncation2, is the reverse rake that does not show up in Michlet.


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    Last edited: May 30, 2013
  2. quequen
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    quequen Senior Member

    Both Delftship and Freeship (all releases) have an 'Export to Michlet' command that generates many small mistakes, no matter how many stations and waterlines you use. Most visible errors are grouped at the transom, stem and centerline. As you noted, the transom inaccuracies definitely modify Michlet resistance outcomes (Rh term). I wonder about the others.
    Perhaps Victor and Martijn can fix this ?

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    Last edited: Jul 25, 2013
  3. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Sorry, I don't have Freeship.
    I couldn't download it from a dodgy looking site when I tried a couple of
    years ago, and then the next day some girls named Olga and Natasha
    wanted to be my special friends.
  4. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    Leo, you must have misunderstood their intentions. They just wanted to give you a hand with installing their software on your hardware.
  5. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    :eek::eek::eek: ........ ;)
  6. quequen
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    quequen Senior Member

    Hey! don't trust Olga and Natasha, they swore that I was their unique love!

    Attached Freeship3_41 (virus free) with recent addendum to export to Michlet 9.3 Anyway it has the same pointed problem.
    Attached an example to play with.

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  7. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Thanks, quequen, but there's not much I can do about problems in Freeship or
    All I can suggest is that users look at the files that are created and make
    adjustments manually. (Olga can help you with that!).

  8. rxcomposite
    Joined: Jan 2005
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Meet Olga and Natasha.

    Leo, you passed it up without looking.:D

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