FreeCAD for boat design test

Discussion in 'Software' started by pafurijaz, Nov 28, 2021.

  1. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    After an exploration I started using FreeCAD with curves and measures, to control the result, I started making a hull partially parameterized, is still difficult obtain correct solids, while with Moi3D or Rhino the tolerance is greater and simpler get a solid from FreeCAD IGES

    Last edited: Dec 11, 2021
  2. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    FreeCad is powerful you can do a design with constrained measures and drafting parametric sketches to create the surfaces over this sketch and make a parametric design of a boat
  3. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    I've a bit confused workflow, I'm not very comfortable with these Workbench but this application has many tools spread in every workbench and you have to use many to do complex shapes constrained and this also make harder the modelling.
  4. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Here is my first boat model completely created with FreeCAD and partially parameterized.
    I will continue to post my advances in this area here.

    This is a boat based on William Garden design The Tlingit Island Tender






  5. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    I'm impressed by FreeCAD capability, here is an other model from my self learning path, this is a simple V hull, but everything is how should be and where I wanted, all is constrained and parametric.



  6. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

  7. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Ended this hull of Patrol motor Torpedo USS PT-564, is simple but is a Solid object below the file for Rhino and IGES attached


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  8. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    After a few days of practice with the surfaces and the various commands I returned to drawing boats, this which is very simple is the result obtained with the new things I learned, now my workflow begins to be more organized with logical steps between the various Workbenches. 
However, this model is one of the best results in terms of design and surface quality, with less use of commands due to greater knowledge.





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  9. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    I continue to be impressed by the capabilities of the software in the hands of those who understand it.I hope to arrive at a fraction of this level of familiarity with it one day,but it isn't the easiest program to understand.The most recent mango jelly tutorial showed more of the possibilities if you haunt youtube but I haven't yet seen a real hull go through the whole process.
  10. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    I understand the difficulties, for beginners, because this software has many workbenches that are complementary, and has a workflow setup, which involves using multiple workbenches in one work session.
    In the early stages of development, the program was inspired by CATIA, where multiple environments are used to make a 3D model.

    Understanding the basics of parametric programs requires more effort than programs like Rhinoceros, which are free from constraints, but these programs have a great advantage in modifying models with the use of parameters.
    Even I, who am familiar with some parametric software, have encountered obstacles, but I am refining my technique in the use of FreeCAD.

    As soon as I consolidate my workflow I will do a little tutorial with a simple hull, and I hope to make other more complex ones over time.

    For now my advice is to familiarize yourself with the program and the parametric flow by learning to use geometric constraints in the design of simple objects such as mechanical parts.

    This may help to better understand other workbenches that must always be used together to achieve the final result.
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  11. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Despite being simple, it was complicated to make this kayak. 
Chapelle's West Greenland Kayak, original project dated in 1948, made with accuracy from original project.
    FxnJax82_o.png AtiPbdeV_o.png wpz4YqNC_o.png i180rIo5_o.png gJwpik0I_o.png
  12. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    The Chapelle's Dinghy I think this is the best model for now, but I'm growing, hull after hull, because I run in new problems every time and I'm learning a lot

    The Dinghy is very clean and is my best hull from this I think I can redo the whole boat with all parts.
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  13. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    An update of Dinghy and an other boat.
    This is a quite complex learning path, but I'm improving my results every time with new model, this is a long path.


    An other model with more complex shape
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  14. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    I'm really impressed from FreeCAD, is too good when you start understanding it. Every boundary is matching perfectly the surface and the sketches are from DXF. FreeCAD is very good application, no doubt.

    Below a ship bow surfaces, created with tangent B-Spline constrained.

    Last edited: Feb 19, 2022
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  15. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    This is a new step forward in this journey with FreeCAD and boat design, this a revision of a previous hull of the USS-PT564, now with perfect ISO-curves aligned of the surfaces and without any bulges, I used all sections I've made with sketches and and I have used the command "Mix curve" to have every intersection to be used to constrained the stations section and B-splines, this make simpler the alignment of many B-Spline, according the design.

    hull of an USS-PT564

    This is and other update of ship hull, but this is very complicated to make and I've paused a bit. but soon I hope to finish this.
    A ship hull
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