Free!ship Heeled Hydrostatics

Discussion in 'Software' started by Tim Hall, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. Tim Hall
    Joined: Apr 2011
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    Tim Hall Junior Member

    Done a bit of searching, and can't seem to figure this out...maybe not possible. Does anyone know if you can get hydrostatics with the boat heeled in Free!ship?

    I finally figured out that mirroring the hull results in a shape without leakpoints....but it also produces TWO HULLs. So the hydrostatics are useless. Is there a way to do this?
  2. lewisboats
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Give this a try. On the mirrored side of the hull put everything on a new layer. Deselect the layer hydrostatics box and see if it doesn't give you what you need. You will have to play with the waterline to get the original displacement but that should did for me. If the layer doesn't show up in the transform dialog box just put a check in the box for unselected layers. You may also have to move the hull so the deepest part is at the 0 Y axis to get some numbers in the lateral area. I don't really have time to play with it right now to find out.

  3. Tim Hall
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    Tim Hall Junior Member

    Thanks, Steve. Will try this out.
  4. Tim Hall
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    Tim Hall Junior Member

    Figured it out!

    Steve, your method didn't quite work, but it helped me figure how to do it.

    Very simple for anyone else who might be interested...

    You will probably want to save your work to another file, if you plan to make changes. Otherwise you'll end up with two sets of control points that have to be manipulated, unless you plan to have an asymmetrical boat.

    1) In the layers dialogue, UN-check the "symmetrical" box for each layer.

    You should now have half a boat with half the displacement.

    2) Select All.

    3) Transform>Mirror

    4) Transform>Heeling

    The hydrostatic data should now be correct for the heeled attitude, except you may have to move the boat in the transverse direction to get the transverse properties correct. You will of course have to change the design draft to find the displacement you want.

  5. lewisboats
    Joined: Oct 2002
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    lewisboats Obsessed Member

    Bass Ackwards...story of my life....sigh!
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