Free!Ship 2.6+ vs Prediction resistance by Holtrop-Mennen started method

Discussion in 'Software' started by Victor T, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Thanks for Norwegian.ini. After my little correction you can download it from this link:
    Norsk(forbedringer behHves).ini (63,977 b)

    What about traditional chinese - problem may be in this -> Freeship support non-Unicode only...
  2. StianM
    Joined: May 2006
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    StianM Senior Member

    Opsss. I gues thats out off the question then.
  3. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

  4. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.73+
    Released May 27, 2007
    New features:
    * Аdded calculation wetted area S, ratio Ae/Ao and diametr of propeller Dp by method Holtrop-Mennen
    * Added input data form for calc of koefficient of exploitation condition
    * Fixed bug in loading of project with background image
    * Make many the little changings

  5. lazeyjack

    lazeyjack Guest

    thanks Smart and thank Victor
    Victor are you Kherson or Nickolaev/
    I tried to start a yachtbuilding business Kherson, found partners but could not own the land
    For all of you , Kherson and Nicholaev, two great ex Soviet shipbuilding towns with yards 25000 men
  6. lazeyjack

    lazeyjack Guest

    Victor, where are you now,?
    спасибо, до свидания пока
    i will return shortly, last time I drove in
  7. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    I am live in Mykolayev...

  8. lazeyjack

    lazeyjack Guest

    Я приезжаю, см. Вас?
  9. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    То, что живу в Николаеве (Миколаїв по украински) это истинная правда.
    Приезжать, чтобы посмотреть на меня - не рационально.

    P.S. И желательно сообщения не связанные с Freeship+ отсылать на мой емайл.
  10. Jbaker
    Joined: May 2007
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    Jbaker New Member

    Import dxf into Freeship

    Hi Victor,
    Congratulations on upgrading the free version of Delftship.
    I thought a lot more people would be doing it as well, but you are the only person I could find.
    Do you have any plans to add a "import DXF" option into Freeship?
    This would make Freeship the ultimate boat design program for begginers as it does not have all the bells & whistles like the professional programs.
    Defltship would eventually be a top end program with all the add-ons people are asking for and I don't want to go down that path.

    Kind Regards
    J Baker
  11. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Yes, import DXF would be in future.

  12. StianM
    Joined: May 2006
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    StianM Senior Member

    What about importing iges, CATPart and stp files?

    I concider the freedom to import and export files to and from diferent formats a big pain in the *** to be honest.

    If I knew how to write programs I would do sitt down and try to add those features myself, but sadly I don't :(
  13. StianM
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    StianM Senior Member

    I just tested 2.72 and dfoort.dll was missing so it could not start.
    I copied the dll from 2.7 and it seams to work fine now.
  14. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member

    To write converters on different a format is a not easy task for Freeship as seems some. Only DXF and may be MS2 and GEO

  15. Victor T
    Joined: Feb 2007
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.74+
    Released June 11, 2007
    New features:
    * Released import FEF files from Delftship Pro (hull only)
    * Added Help in PDF from Freeship2.6 (English)
    * Appendage areas moving to added data panel
    * Added sample of calculation resistance, power, propeller and engine for ship of project
    "FREE!ship demo 6.fbm" (without graphics and on RUSSIAN now) in PDF format
    * Released calc of coefficient of exploitation condition (influence of waves,
    wind, depth of water and other)
    * Make many the little changings

    Download link 2.74+max (5Mb):

    Download link 2.74+min(<1Mb):

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