Free!Ship 2.6+ vs Prediction resistance by Holtrop-Mennen started method

Discussion in 'Software' started by Victor T, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. CGN
    Joined: Jan 2003
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    CGN Senior Member

    It runs after the so called trial period at least to open rar files, rar has been around for long time
  2. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Use freeware and popular archiver IZArc and you can't problem.

    IZArc is a full featured archiving tool that you can use to open and create compressed files in many different formats. It offers many advanced features, including repairing of broken archives, searching within archives, password protecting, emailing of archives and much more. The program provides an Explorer style interface with integrated file browser, favorites, customizable toolbar and color coded file listings. IZArc can also be used to create self-extracting or disk-spanning archives and more. Additional features include Windows Explorer integration, anti-virus integration and just about anything else you d would expect to find in a professional archive utility - but this one is free. IZArc support most popular archive formats, including 7-ZIP, ACE,ARC, ARJ,BH, BZ2, CAB, DEB, GZ,HA, JAR, LHA, LZH,PAK, PK3, RAR, RPM, TAR,TGZ, TZ, ZIP and ZOO. The program is easy to use, even for beginners, yet powerful enough to provide advanced users with all the tools you need.
  3. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

  4. fcfc
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    fcfc Senior Member

    It is a pity NUOS freeship product is a pirate product, breaking the GPL licence by not disclosing the source of the modifications you made to the original GPL freeship sources (still available).
  5. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    There is link on source Free!ship release version 2.7+ accoding to requirements GPL 2:
    Read first Whatsnew.txt

    Victor T

    PS: Not to download the very clever men of type of fcfc!
  6. french44
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    french44 Junior Member

    Dear victor

    I download freeship2.68 but it doesn't work problem with dllfor or something else have you a solution or a easy install version ( sorry I'm not a good developper of software , I prefer use it )

    thanks a lot

    french 44
  7. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Hi french44!

    I am don't understand what's a problem.
    Use release version 2.7+ (EXE inside archive) because 2.68+ is test version.
  8. smartbight
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    smartbight Naval Architect

    Great job Victor Timoshenko ! I downloaded version 2.68 which included all the files needed. It works great! I also downloaded the other compressed folder which included the Design Database and demo hulls.

    Could you pick a hull in the Database and run the resistance, propellers sizing, 'passport' etc. and include all the inputs & outputs file in a .pdf file. This would be the 'benchmark' to check & calibrate our installation.

    What about adding Kg & Lbs to the weight units for the people working on small boats or models?
  9. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    Hi !

    New version Freeship+ you can download now:

    Test only Version 2.71+
    Released May 11, 2007
    New features:
    * Change the formula for calc cross curves
    * Added testing calc designed propeller on cavitation and on general strong
    * Make many the little changings

    Download link 2.71+:

    And for prediction resistance and power ship hull, calcs propeller tasks
    you can download book in DJVU format:

    Raschet hodkosti nadvodnych vodoizmeschayuschich sudov 2005 (BW 300dpi).djvu (1,985,020 b) (Russian version only):
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  10. StianM
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    StianM Senior Member

    I tryed your latest version, but it look like it did not work.
    The 2.7+ was strange to me, but after I deleted all language files except the english one it worked well.

    I will try to sitt down some time and write a norwegian file for you to add.
    Don't look to hard.

    Is there anny plans to port freeship to linux?
  11. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member

    I am support Freeship+ with Russian, Ukrainian and English languages now.
    Other languages I am do not know :( . You can translate .ini file on your national language and upload on this thread at forum or send me on e-mail and I include your .ini file in future versions.
  12. StianM
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    StianM Senior Member

    I'm working on a translation. I'm half trough the file, but I skipped alot of therms because I have no idea what is the best way to translate them.

    I hope someone else will take the task to translate the things I can not do.

    I do use dictionary, but alot off the words the dictionary spit out suck big time.
  13. StianM
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    StianM Senior Member

    I have it translated. If nobody else here want to go trough it to improve it I will just send you if you give me your e-mail
  14. Victor T
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    Victor T Senior Member


    Test only Version 2.72+
    Released May 15, 2007
    New features:
    * Adapted resistance calc by Holtrop to propeller tasks
    * When exit from program are deleted temporary *.dat files in current directory
    * Change input data diagram for propeller tasks
    * Released data testing and import for propeller task with selected engine
    * Added selection disels from BD (MAN, Pilstic, Zultzer and other) (RUS)
    * Make many the little changings

    Download link 2.72+: FreeShip2_72+EXE.rar (1,704,262 b)

    Download archive and rewrite old files.

    If you have a problem - mail me

  15. StianM
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    StianM Senior Member

    I e-mailed you a language file in Norwegian. I will se if I can get someone to make a file in traditional chinese for me aswell since I don't master it good enough myself. In 2.71+ I get a error (0xc00000ba)

    Are you doing all this yourself? If so your doing one good job.
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