free ISO 12215-5 scantling software

Discussion in 'Software' started by taniwha, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Josep
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    Josep Junior Member

    SCT and Enavales

    Hi Taniwha,

    Well, is true that depend of what antivirus you are using, don't allow you download it. Depend of security level of your antivirus with internet. There are a lot of people who work with this software. In addition, the webpage has inside an antivirus that protects it. The webpage is sure. What antivirus are you using?

    For download the software:
    1. Chose the demo and click in “agregar al carrito”,
    2. You must to register.
    3. Click in “Confirmar pedido”.
    4. You will receive 2 emails. One of them contains a link with a code.
    5. Click in the link of the email that the webpage has sent you, and introduce the code. Automatically the download will start.

    All this steps is for security.

    Thanks for the information!

  2. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Thanks Josep & Ignacio. Will try to download late at night when internet traffic is slow.
  3. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    Second try was a bliss. Went without trouble maybe because I have registered with yousendit.

    I am now trying to learn it. Should be a breeze. Familiar settings like LR SSC.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I'm glad you were able to install it. Hope you enjoy the application.
    Indeed, the interface is similar to the SSC, as, after studying the programs of several classification societies, we thought Lloyd´s was the most "friendly" with the user.
    Please do not hesitate to ask any question you need and to propose improvements to the program.
    We are currently working on the SP 02, which fixes some bugs in R.10 versión.
    The second step is to include calculations of ISO 12215-6, longitudinal strength, keel, knuckles, etc.. but this will be for the version R.11
  5. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    First thing I have noticed. How do I choose the resin? There is a wide range of choice of materials though but no resin.

    Good presentation though, I have been wanting to do that for years.
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    ISO disregards the resin to be used, probably because it assumes that adds no strength to the assembly. So when it comes to panel thickness or reinforcement, or weight, does not take into account the resin. Is, for example, a panel´s weight of 2.35 kg/m2 would only be the weight of dry fiber. If we consider the proportion fiber / resin is aboutl 60/40, the actual weight, total panel would be 2.35 / 0.6 = 3.92 kg/m2.
    ISO does have in mind, however, and strongly influences the final composition of the panel, molded type and level of evaluation. I believe that the classification societies do not usually have this in mind.
    If you like better, you can direct your inquiries to my e.mail :
  7. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    The choice of resin can and influence a lot on the resulting laminate strength. Although the resin hides under the shadow of the fiber, the strain to failure of the resin is relevant to the strain of the fiber. Attached is the image of the resin/fiber graph which I hope is self explanatory.

    I have programmed the LR composite calculations several years ago but with the advances in composites, with a wider choice of fiber and resin combinations, I am making a more versatile program. I am attaching a snapshot of what I am working on which solves the limitations of LR, BV, DNV.

    Not primarily intended for boat use (but can be adopted) for a more precise prediction of ply properties. That is why my interest on other programs as I do not want to re invent the wheel.

    Attached Files:

  8. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    rxcomposite, I find admirable all the work you are doing.
    At no time has been my intention to do a job similar to yours.
    My job has nothing on research. I just tried to read in detail and understand ISO 12215. I just pretended to know what he does, not by what it does. From there, without deviating an inch from the norm, I wanted to create a tool to carry out the calculation she asks, in a fast and user-friendly way.
    I have not seen that ISO ask at any point for the resin to be used. So I gather, and this is the only time I thought of myself, that does not account for all the resin and, I gather, it's because no influence on the ultimate strength.
    I see clearly, after your explanations, that my deduction was wrong. Any material, not brittle, can increase the strength of the assembly. And so, I correct my opinion: ISO probably not worth taking into account the contribution that the resin makes the total resistance. Again, this is my guess, based on nothing concrete.
    And I'm again expressing my opinion: I think the ISO simplifies some calculations that make them to detail would be beyond the reach of many of the technicians who seek support for their projects through a regulation officially recognized. For the type of boats covered by ISO 12215 probably nothing else is needed. I repeat that this is only my personal opinion, not based on any study, only in reading and understanding (I guess) of ISO 12215.
  9. rxcomposite
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    rxcomposite Senior Member

    I have nothing against ISO or LR. I have used it for years. Like you, I followed LR and DNV or BV to the letter, never deviating.

    It is just my work covers advanced composite designs and when sales people talks about this and that resin or that extra sophisticated fiber increases strength tremendously, I started to find the answers why. My interest is on advanced composites.

    I will contact you thru email. I have some inputs that will visually enhance the software.
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I will be happy to consider your comments. A professional with your experience and knowledge can bring many positive things to my program. Thank you.
  11. ejh
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    ejh New Member

    problema to run Module 1 GRP Motor application

    Dear Taniwha,

    I am tying to open de module 1 but it fail. It start opening the excel sheet but suddenly close (after I agree the agreement page).

    I disable all my antivirus. I am using W7 and office 2010. Maybe there is missing a ddl or there is a configuration problem in office.

    Would you please help me to find the way to run this module?

    My email is:


  12. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  13. pagliaso
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    pagliaso Junior Member

    Can't run module 1


    I can run all of the modules developed by ICOMIA for the ISO 12215-5, except the Module 1, for GRP motor boat calculations.

    I am in same situation as Ernesto, Windows 7, Office 2010, 64 bits (it has to do with this?).

    The program starts, then just quits, without giving any error notice.

    I would be very grateful if someone could point me towards any solution.

    Thanks and kind regards
  14. jarmo.hakkinen
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    jarmo.hakkinen Junior Member

    Please check your antivirus settings. My Avast prevented modules from running, thought they were malicious executables.

  15. u4ea32
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    u4ea32 Senior Member

    Hi Tansl,

    I started exploring your 12217-1 spreadsheet, and its really nice. And I read the user guide for the 12215 software, and that looks really interesting, I want to use it.

    However, I cannot use Windows as it just sucks the life out of me. I don't know how anybody puts up with the endless viruses and bugs of that crap. So I use a Mac. I use Virtualbox to run windows, so when it gets infected every few minutes, I can throw the VM away and go back to something clean. But I can't waste my life dealing with all that evil.

    I can run your 12217-1 spreadsheet in Numbers on a Mac without any problems.

    It sounds like your 12215 is a spreadsheet too. Can you simply provide an .xls instead of an .exe?

    Otherwise, I will just write it myself.
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