Frank Carius 50 FT. KETCH

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by ketchy, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. ketchy
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    ketchy Junior Member

    We purchased a 50 foot Frank Carius design ferro cement ketch about 15 years ago. We also met a man in Madeira Park B.C. Canada. Who had a rotting Frank Carius design wooden ketch in his yard. We actually purchased almost new sails off of him that were made in 1973.He had info on Frank Carius.
    As related by him:
    1 He was captured by Americans during ww2. Taken to Florida in a prisoners compoud.
    2 He aided the USA navy while a prisoner.
    3 Asked to stay in USA at end of war but was repatriated back to Europe.
    4 Immigrated to Vancouver Canada.
    5 Designed mostly wood boats. Did some steel and ferro cement.

    I cannot confirm any of this as I was told this 2nd hand.
    As an owner of this Carius design ferro cement ketch I can tell you that he designed a very sea friendly boat. We love it.
  2. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Hi Ketchy,

    The seller of this 1973 38' wooden Ketch says . . .

    ‘‘ I have a full set of original build blueprints for the boat I contacted Frank Carius (boat designer) and bought the prints from him years ago. ’’

    Looks like if you contact him through the ad he could tell you more about Frank . . :cool:

    Please post some pictures of your boat, and also please share the info you might get through this.

    Good luck !
  3. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

  4. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)


    National Fisherman (volume 53) Yearbook 1969, page 136 says . . .

    ‘‘ . . . . designs for boats in ferro-cement including sail, power, and motor sailers by Ian Ross, Stan Huntingford, and Frank Carius. . . . . ’’

    That's all of this book's content about Frank and his boat designs on page 136 I was able to drag out of the web in a quick attempt, the book might be for sale somewhere.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2017
  5. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    Do you still have the ferro cement ketch? I would love to see a picture! I have a 45' ferro ketch designed by Cesil Norris
  6. ketchy
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    ketchy Junior Member

    Yes. I will send pic asap. It's on another computer.
  7. ketchy
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    ketchy Junior Member

  8. ketchy
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    ketchy Junior Member

    1991 Bermudian Ketch 22.03 tons. LWL 39. LENGTH ON DECK 46 FT. DRAWS 6.6 FT. iSUZU 4 CYL. 56HP Full keel.
  9. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member


    looks like we have very similar boats. What do you use for sail inventory?

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  10. ketchy
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    ketchy Junior Member

    Sails are similar. My mizzen mast is just 3 ft. smaller than the main mast. Have staysail and Genoa sails. Boat is very sea friendly. Have sailed it from Vancouver B.C. Canada to currently in Guaymas Mexico. Has an Isuzu c221 4 cyl. Cruises 5kn at 1800rpm.
  11. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    Do you have and or use mizzen head sails at all?
  12. ketchy
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    ketchy Junior Member

    Do you mean a mizzen main sail? I only have 1 mizzen sail and that's a main.
  13. Angélique
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    Angélique aka Angel (only by name)

    Maybe by ‘‘mizzen head sails’’ a mizzen stay sail was meant . . ?

    Sail Feed ---> Cruising Sailboat Rigs: Ketches, Yawls, And Schooners


    ‘‘ A cruising ketch flying a mizzen staysail. These of course can also be flown on yawls. ’’

    Yachting and Boating World - Forums ---> How and when to use a mizzen stay sail ---> Post #6



    ‘‘ We fly ours quite a lot. It's a reaching sail and for us, useable with the apparent wind between 60 and 160 degrees off the bow. It tacks to the windward chainplate and passes aft of the main, to leeward of the mizzen and sheets through a block on the end of the mizzen boom to a cleat on the mizzen mast. It pulls like a train and (in our case) is from about 5 or 6 oz cloth. It would be nice to have a much lighter one for light airs, but this one sets beautifully with more than about 7 kts apparent. We tend to drop it if the apparent wind exceeds 18 kts because it starts to load the helm up. A big plus is that it is very easily handled as sheeting across the cockpit means that it's just a case of easing the halyard and sheet an pulling the sail down into the cockpit. We sail double handed most of the time and wouldn't be without it. ’’
  14. ketchy
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    ketchy Junior Member

    Looks good. We can try this.

  15. Chris Chamberlain
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    Chris Chamberlain Junior Member

    That is what I was talking about. Great artical but it didn't mention a mule sail. Any one have any experience with one?
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