Francis Joyon on IDEC II attempts to improve record on the Cadix-San Salvador route

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. Corley
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    Francis Joyon on IDEC II attempts to improve record on the Cadiz-San Salvador route

    Francis Joyon is attempting to better his own record on the Cadiz to San Salvador passage or Discovery route. It was intended that he would compete closely with Thomas Coville on Sodebo but due to injury Thomas has had to retire.

    IDEC website articles section:

    Here is the tracker:

    Here is a rough google translate of the article from Francis Joyon's website


    Wednesday, February 6, 2013

    Alone aboard his maxi-trimaran IDEC, Francis Joyon crossed the starting line of the Route Discovery, in Cadiz (Spain), Wednesday, February 6 to 12 hours, 50 minutes and 25 seconds UTC. Towards San Salvador (Bahamas) via the Canary Islands. Objective: To improve his own record in 2008, namely through the 3884 miles in less than 9 days, 20 hours, 32 minutes and 23 seconds. It must cut the line on the other side of the Atlantic before Saturday, February 16 at 9:21 minutes 48 seconds.

    A hunter (records) hunting the other on Route discovery: Francis Joyon just jump with his trusty trimaran IDEC! He cut the line to Cadiz this Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 12h50'25'' UT.
    Originally, the case would give rise to a duel with Thomas Coville distance, but fate decided otherwise: Sunday party Thomas Coville was wounded in the leg in a jibe and decided last night to throw in the towel and go stop in the Azores. Francis Joyon only learned this morning, while he was already in the water round to the port of Cadiz, waiting for the best time to cross the line. "I am wholeheartedly with Thomas" says Francis few minutes before the lap top, "on these boats, we are always on the verge of getting hurt and it may very well happen to me too! Too bad, I regaled the idea this game with Thomas. would have been exciting for both of us, but it is like that and I do not change my program: I'm leaving. " Against his own time of 2008 Without duel, so it is to attack its own clock - which dates back to 2008 - that will soar driver IDEC. It's simple: you have to be most often beyond 20 knots average expect to improve its own performance. The margin is not huge, can be a handful of hours to earn ... therefore committed a record, which of course is an end in itself, but also and above all a great way to prepare for the big 2013 target Francis Joyon, namely regain Record North Atlantic between New York and the Lizard. For the North Atlantic from West to East is the only one of the four largest record that lacks the track record of IDEC now. Joyon is indeed the current record for the Discovery Route, Around the World Solo and the absolute record of 24 hours alone. "It was all ways take the boat to New York in the spring," jokes Francis, "so much trying to improve this clock!" Road north ... and without routing! skipper IDEC not expected necessarily a lot of fun because it fetches sustained winds: 30 knots announced as the night the weather files can easily turn into 35 or 40 knots actually on the water. No router - it will make its on-board weather itself - Francis imagine a general scenario which does not follow the road alizéenne but, on the contrary, very back north in the middle of the Atlantic. Explanations: "I go with northeast winds sustained to the Canaries, but I will have to readjust to meet the course mark in the archipelago (you must leave the island of Gran Canaria to starboard, ndr). It will thus not necessarily very rapid at first, but then I'll get this cold front towards the middle of the Atlantic. This should allow me to go faster on the direct route behind the front, in the north-east wind. alizéen A passage by south, he would have forced me to multiply gybes to avoid dead downwind and maintain a fast wind angle. " Gybes should therefore only be reserved at the very end of the course, when IDEC actually find in a stream of East approaching the Bahamas. "This is a good weather window that is presented" ensures the skipper of IDEC, "he should seize this opportunity


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  2. Corley
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    Francis is currently about 214nm behind his own reference time. Hopefully he will be able to make up some time mid Atlantic as his daily runs were not as impressive there on the previous attempt.
  3. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    There is plenty of wind out there in the South Atlantic and it looks like Francis has been able to track closer to the Orthodromic route than in his previous attempt. He has reduced his deficit to 51nm on the old record and looks set to get in front of it over the next couple of days.

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  4. Corley
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    Francis is now ahead of his previous record position and it looks like the weather will hold for a continuing fast passage.

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  5. champ0815
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    champ0815 Senior Member

    He is now way ahead of his previous record, but for the remaining time the wind will significantly slow him down - it will be interesting to see the potential of his boat under these conditions... .
  6. Corley
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    A short video from IDEC with 600 miles left to San Salvador still about 200 miles ahead of the previous record at this point.

  7. champ0815
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    champ0815 Senior Member

    Amazing speed for these conditions! Probably will be finishing within 18 hours, conditions seem to be stable for the rest of the time. That would be a whole day faster than his previous record!
  8. Corley
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    72 miles to go to San Salvador and he may improve the record by a day! The boat looks to be travelling quite well considering the light conditions but I do wonder how accurate the wind maps are sometimes.
  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thanks for posting this, Corley!
  10. Corley
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    The new record time set for the Discovery Route by Francis Joyon

    Running time: 8 days 16 hours 7 minutes and 5 seconds.

    Improved record by 1 day 4 hours 27 minutes and 58 seconds.

    Circle distance : 3 885 • speed average : 18.66 knots

    Distance: 4379 miles • Average speed: 21.04 knots

    And a new article on the IDEC website:

    The google translate of the article

    Friday, February 15, 2013

    Francis Joyon, skipper of the maxi trimaran IDEC, crossed the finish line of the Route Discovery in San Salvador in the Bahamas, today Friday, February 15, 2013 à 4:00, 57 minutes, 30 seconds UT, or 5:00 , 57 minutes, 30 seconds French time.

    With a running time of 8 days, 16 hours, 07 minutes, 05 seconds , Francis Joyon improved by more than 1 day and 04 hours time of its own in 2008 (9 days 20 h 35 min). 3884000 On the great circle, the theoretical route, and it raises the average 18.66 knots. (4 distance traveled 379.5 miles to the average of 21.04 knots)

    Francis Joyon had left Cadiz (Spain) 12 hours, 50 minutes and 25 seconds TU Wednesday, February 6. It improves its previous record of 1 day, 04 hours, 27 minutes and 58 seconds. He also becomes the first sailor to get this Record of Discovery Route below 9 days.

    Outstanding performance when we know that Francis Joyon has assured itself its strategy weather at sea, without routing, so without any outside help. A real challenge on this Route Discovery whose peculiarity is that we deal with multiple weather systems.

    Next challenge Francis Joyon onboard IDEC: an attempt against the record of the North Atlantic between New York and Lizard. Standby expected next spring.

  11. Corley
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