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  1. Boat Design Net Moderator
    Joined: Feb 2010
    Posts: 577
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    1.) Keep threads & posts on topic.

    1a.) New threads must be on topic based on the forum title. A thread in the Boat Design forum must be about boat design.

    1b.) Respect the original poster of each thread – replies should be on topic with the original post in a thread. Replies must not derail or disrupt the thread discussion based on the original post. Otherwise, start a new thread of your own. (It is ok for threads to evolve as the discussion progresses, but a thread about keel design is no place for a post about American politics.)

    1c.) Posts must be substantive to the forum and/or topic at hand. A little humor is ok, but only in the context of on-topic ideas or information. Posts should not be made that contain only a sarcastic jab or humorous remark with no new information or ideas.

    1d.) Language should be professional and understandable and must be in English. This is the common language of the site.

    1e.) No duplicate or cross-posting.

    1f.) When starting a new thread, please use a descriptive title. As a thread title, "help me" is not very helpful to others quickly scanning the new posts of the day to see which threads they are able to offer helpful advice. (note post titles are fully optional within the thread; when starting a new thread however, please enter a short but descriptive title.)

    1g.) Do not post defamatory, manipulative, vulgar or obscene posts. Reported defamatory, manipulative, or vulgar posts are subject to removal. Posts or threads that are generally considered to be in poor taste are subject to deletion.​

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    It is never acceptable to insult or attack other members. Disagreement is healthy and beneficial to intelligent discussion but should be based always on ideas and factual information and never degenerate to a personal attack or insult.

    Please use proper forum etiquette and be polite and respectful to all other forum members. If you can't get along with another forum member civilly or wish not to read their posts, please add them to your ignore list.​

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    If you wouldn’t want your child to read or see the content or if you would be embarrassed to view the page in front of colleagues or coworkers, then it’s probably not family-safe and please don’t post it on the forums here. Please do not post any images, cartoons, links, stories, or jokes which depict nudity, sexually explicit or erotic material, close-ups of body parts which would be considered not family-safe, or anything which promotes racism or violence which would be inappropriate to view in a home, school, or work setting or which would cause the site to be blocked or filtered. Thank you.​

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    (excerpt from the Forum FAQ / Terms of Use)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2017
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