Fore & aft centerboard sliding system

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by heycaptaingg, Aug 9, 2021.

  1. wet feet
    Joined: Nov 2004
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    wet feet Senior Member

    Try a google search for Flying Dutchman moving centreboard pivot.It ought to bring up some information and you will probably have to make adjustments to suit your particular situation.I'm a little puzzled by the link to an elderly Mini Transat as these boats have now evolved to something entirely different-and faster.I expect that if you could persuade them to divulge the information,the IMOCA 60's would have something that would work but at a much greater cost.
  2. gggGuest
    Joined: Feb 2005
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    gggGuest ...

    A question is why. The centre of effort between centreboard and rudder is continuously adjusted, quite unconsciously, by minute changes in the rudder angle. Unless one is aiming for absolute minimum drag in a racing craft I don't know what shifting the board about is usefully going to achieve.

  3. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    That's a lot, good to know because it defines the solutions that might work.
    +/- 20" for us over here.
    Someone check my math.
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