Ford mermaid turbo four in need of power

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by Seabear23, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. Seabear23
    Joined: Oct 2015
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    Seabear23 New Member

    I have two mermaid turbo fours made somewere about 82 ? Of those two i was hoping of getting at least one working, and in that process maybe add some power to it IF possible. Original they are suppose to have 150 hp but i have seen never ones with 200. Somewere on the web i read about military ribs in the UK that got a treatment for low power. Is there a solution to the problem? Or do i bend over and buy a bigger engine? I rather not buy a new engine because i would be feeling like im losing!
    Please help me!
  2. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    If my memory serves me correct, there were two different blocks used for this engine. The newer version ("Dover"? or "Dorset"?) was upgraded to something like 180-200 hp with another turbo, lower compression ratio (allowing higher boost pressure) and increased fuel flow.

    Best you can do is finding the engine numbers on your Irons and call the Mermaid UK.

    I take it you are going to use the engine with your PP 90 jet. The standard impeller can normally be adjusted to a reasonable power increase, say from 150 to 180+ hp.

    "I'm a happy man, with a good health and a bad memory"/ E. Hemingway (if my memory......and so on).
  3. Seabear23
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    Seabear23 New Member

    Thanks for the tips! I try with mermaid they seem very helpful but isnt there anybody in sweden who knows about these engines?

  4. baeckmo
    Joined: Jun 2009
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Can't recall an agent for Mermaid, but there are/were two or three dealing with Ford marinization;

    Rodahl Marine AB in Lidkoping,
    Motor AB Nils Gustavsson, Lidingo
    GBM, Havstenssund

    My personal experience with the guys at Rodahl is very positive, they are skilled and even if they don't represent Ford officially today, they may point you in the right direction. Good luck!
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