Fontaine Pajot Athena 38

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by waldemar de vries, Mar 17, 2023.

  1. waldemar de vries
    Joined: Mar 2023
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    waldemar de vries New Member

    Hello everyone, I am owner of a FP Athena 38 and the studs from my septers are broken. 3 already and waiting for more to break. In total there are 21 sepeter studs to support the railing around the boat. Fontaine Pajot itself does not react. Is there some one who has a solution for that?
    Kind regards Waldemar
  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Waldemar.

    Here is a link to a sister ship for sale, for general reference.

    Can you explain please what are septers, or sepeters?
    I am guessing that they are the stanchions that support the lifelines / guardrails around the deck edge?
    I presume that each stanchion (sepeter?) has a threaded stud on the underside for bolting it to the deck, as per the photo below (taken from the above link)?

    Athena stanchion base.jpg

    Can you post a photo or two of a typical broken stud please?
  3. waldemar de vries
    Joined: Mar 2023
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    waldemar de vries New Member

    Thank you bajansailor for our reaction. My reaction is al little late because of a leek of internet around here. The foto exactly is the peace I need. Tomorrow I will post a foto of a broken one. I'am busy to make an alternativ. I will send a picture tomorrow.
    Kind regards Waldemar
    bajansailor likes this.
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