Folding system loads

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by tamas, Nov 11, 2013.

  1. santacruz58
    Joined: Oct 2014
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    santacruz58 Senior Member

    The last I read you had pulled your buc24 out for the season. How is the folding system coming? Any progress? I think you got your ama bulk heads finished. No pressure just wondering.
  2. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    Slow progress

    Since I acquired my 33, most of my time has been spent working on it.
    I did launch my 24 mid summer, but I just sailed it for fun and pulled it for the winter in November. I don't like leaving a wood boat in during freezing weather. I did get a model folding system to work on the 24, but I never built a test system full scale on the boat. It might work, but I think it would be "fussy". I like the early drawings that Outside the Box posted for their 24 redo, and that might be the best way to go. I wanted something that would not add weight and still leave the basic structure as designed, and while possible, it is not easy.
    The Buc-33 however is very adaptable to a "Farrier" style system, and I will probably add it to my 33 in the future. Right now, I just want to get it sailing for the spring season so I have built a new set of stock alloy beams.
  3. santacruz58
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    santacruz58 Senior Member

    It will be interesting what your think of the sailing qualites, buc33 compared to the 24. Looking forward to the spring sailing season.
  4. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member


    The 33 will have a lot to live up to ;) Of course, my 24 needed a "few" mods to realize all of its potential, so I guess "we will see" :cool:

  5. ThomD
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    ThomD Senior Member

    I remember once wanting to know how to calc the load on a seastay on my tri. I was about to wade into it, when I just went out to the shop with some string and sticks and a weight and a fishing scale. Had the mock up done in minutes and it compared exactly to the formula I had been given, but wasn't sure I was using in the right way.
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