Fitout Manager seeking new challanges

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Gypsie, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Gypsie
    Joined: Apr 2005
    Posts: 123
    Likes: 3, Points: 0, Legacy Rep: 50
    Location: Lombok Indonesia

    Gypsie Randall Future by Design

    Fitout Manager seeking new challenges:
    Design: Interiors and systems for private and commercial vessels
    : Hull, deck and superstructure modifications as per client request
    :Shop floor drawings: Joinery shop, stainless fabrication, systems
    :3D Perspectives for client approval: interiors, systems and mods.
    Staff Training: Joinery shop personnel training in fabrication and fitting of
    High end yacht and commercial vessel interior furnishings
    : Installation of all onboard systems
    : Installation of “Super Yacht” Quality teak decking.
    Quality Control: Reports on quality of all procedures from drawing office to
    Project completion
    Project Management, Factory Equipment upgrades, Procurement upgrades
    View CV:
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