fire integrity

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by jollyricard, Feb 11, 2012.

  1. jollyricard
    Joined: Jul 2009
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    jollyricard Junior Member

    Dear all,

    I have a boat used to transporting of people; i must put near the living room a room containing electrically heated cooking plate or hot plate for keeping food warm; for the insulation of these room ( fire integrity), must I follow appropriate rules ? For example what is the procedure used in pleasure yacht?

    many thanks in advance
  2. ldigas
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    ldigas Senior Member

    You must always follow the appropriate rules, the only question is what do those rules demand :)

    What kind of boat, what length and for how many people?
  3. jollyricard
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    jollyricard Junior Member

    ok, the length of the hull is 18m, the number of people is around 70.
    I am not able to find appropriate rules in this case, can you help me?
    many thanks
  4. Tad
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  5. daiquiri
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    you can follow, for exampe, RINA Rules for Classification of Ships, Part C - Machinery, Systems and Fire Protection. Chapter 2 deals with electrical systems, and Chapter 4 with fire protection, detection and extinction. If you give me your e-mail (via PM) I can send you a relevant rule in pdf format, if you are unable to download it from the RINA site.
  6. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    Tad beat me too it, but anytime you are designing and building a boat to carry paying passengers, there are rules you must obey, or end up with a lot of trouble from the government. Especially in Italy. I suggest you contact RINA and find out what the rules are, and hire a designer to help you get it right.
  7. taniwha
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    taniwha Senior Member

    the international standard for fire protection on recreational craft is ISO 9094-1 below 15 m and ISO 9094-2 above 12m. Additional national rules will be applicable for commercial passenger use.
  8. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    That's a typo. Should read "above 15 m and up to 24 m". :)

  9. taniwha
    Joined: Sep 2003
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    taniwha Senior Member

    you are correct thanks
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