Finding out what model Outboard!!

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by MengWalton, Jul 10, 2011.

  1. MengWalton
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    MengWalton Junior Member

    HI all

    Having a bit of trouble, I am having some trouble identifying an outboard i own, it doesnt have the identification plate on the mount or anywhere else for that matter, however the silver core on the powerhead reads the following



    the [M] is just a m in a box on the plug, my first thoughts were mercury, but the hood has johnson ....... PLEASE HELP!! would like to order some gaskets etc.

    Many Thanks
  2. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Post at least four photos. You may have a replacment soft-plug.
    There will be some numbers on the Carb and possibly on the power head.
  3. MengWalton
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    MengWalton Junior Member

    The only numbers on there are the ones on the core on the powerhead, ill double check tomorrow and post but im pretty sure there the only numbers, is there anything I should look out for?

  4. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Sorry, I cant see what your looking at. Photos would help a lot.
    Some numbers were on a tag on the clamp part. Right on top or near the top of the transome.

    I can't recall any numbers stamped into the castings anywhere. Those numbers on the Soft plug are important though. If they are original, they'll probably answer your questions.
  5. pistnbroke
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    pistnbroke I try

    Number of cylinders ? Prop size //// PHOTOS you dont have to host them on this site just go to the attachment bit in advanced....
  6. MengWalton
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    MengWalton Junior Member

    Here's some photos, there's defiantly no plate on the motor anywhere, there was but it looks like its been taken off and then painted over :/ any help would be much appreciated :confused: as you can see it needs some attention ide like to install head gaskets etc before mounting it :)

    Many Thanks

    Attached Files:

  7. Bruce46
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    Bruce46 Junior Member

    That looks like a 20-30 hp johnson from the 60's to early 70's. The number on the disc is the serial number.
  8. MengWalton
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    MengWalton Junior Member

    Reli, that old, doesnt look that old tbh, Im after some replacement parts, any hope?
  9. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Yeah its reli thats old, maybe more. The date number is on the plate on the saddle just near the scissors on the horizontal photo.

    Mercury has different engine cowls kinda like a steel plate wrapped around.

    That looks like a 15 Evenrude tbh. Does it run,-- if it doe'snt throw it away

    You may not like that opinion but you will understand eventually.
  10. thudpucker
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    thudpucker Senior Member

    Frosty is correct;
    Find out why there are no plugs or wires. Check the plug holes for stripped threads.
    Check the compression for 80 Lbs or more.
    That Carb looks newly cleaned, and the flywheel looks like it's been off recently.
    Enjoy, but do a lot of testing before you spend any money on that old motor.
    Those old motors had a habit of wearing out the shifting dog down in the lower unit.
    Sometimes, if the Lower unit had been off, the Copper tube carrying water up to the power head did not get inseted, and the power head got too hot before the 'fixer' noticed it.
    Also the T'stat had a habit of corroding which caused over heating.

    If the previous owner used cheap oil, the upper main bearing in the power head would eat itself and the symptoms showed up in various ways.

    It has a fuel pump and Reed valves which can give you fits. Air leaks at the hose connections.
    Google OMC parts.
  11. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    That is indeed what it looks like. I have one, a 1963 model, and it still runs perfectly. I long since gave up worrying about the lower unit gear box being leaky so I packed it with grease instead.

    Very tough and reliable motors, those.
  12. MengWalton
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    MengWalton Junior Member

    I took the plugs out after I got it, I done have a pressure gauge to connect to a spark plug connection, however the compression seemed fine, im just trying to take the head off at the moment however im having trouble removing a couple of bolts off its snapped my socket set!! , once ive got it apart ill have a look around, im a marine engineer so to an extent i know what im doing in a outboard, just after model number, to see if i can source some parts, gaskets etc, or if im going to make some.......

    Many Thanks
  13. MengWalton
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    MengWalton Junior Member

    The date number isn't on any plate i can see they've all been painted over, i've scratched the paint off of 2plates but there were no markings on the plates, where abouts are you talking about mabie I missed one.

  14. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Ok I could see where the plate had been then.

  15. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    I think its an 18 from pre 1970 or a 20 post 1970
    The first 15 was in 1956 only then none till 1974
    Unfortunately only 1991 + serial numbers have been computerised
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