Fiberform motor cruiser range - 1977 catalogue

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by bajansailor, Jul 26, 2014.

  1. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Zovix recently asked on this forum for information re the Fiberform 24' Cruiser that he is rebuilding in Sweden - I have a catalogue on the Fiberform range from 1977 so I copied the relevant page for him.
    I then started looking on the internet for info re Fiberform boats, and realised that there is not a lot out there.
    Although the catalogue states that they had been building boats for 20 years (up until 1977), I am guessing that they were probably one of the casualties of the 80's when so many boatyards went out of business.
    So I thought I would copy the rest of the catalogue, and post it on here, in the hope that if anybody is doing a search in future for these boats, this thread will come up.

    Here are the first 11 boats in the range - more will follow in subsequent posts.











  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  3. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  4. olli
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    olli Junior Member

    Thank you very much for posting the brochure!!!
  5. utskicat
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    utskicat Junior Member

    Thanks so much for posting this!

    I have a 19' 1977 Fiberform ski boat that I am trying to figure out exactly which model it is. It appears there are a few pages missing above. They appear as black X where the image is not loading.

    I can see the following pages, X's represent images that are not loading on the forum. Are they missing pages? I imagine they are the pages for the 19' Monterey, Islanders, Bimini, and Bowrider.

    16' Monterey
    19' Islander/18' Islander
    1900 Offshore

    Is there anyway you can re-post the missing pages?
  6. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Hello Utskicat,
    I must admit that I am baffled as to where those photos disappeared off to - I was thinking that maybe I had deleted them from my Photobucket, but all five of them are still there, so I shall post them below now.
    I hope that these are the right ones, and that maybe one of them is 'your' boat.

    17 Bowrider

    17 Waikiki

    18 Monterey

    19 Monterey

    19 Surfrider
  7. utskicat
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    utskicat Junior Member

    Thanks again Bajansailor! Mine is the 19' Monterey. Except mine has an original ladder on the transom. The rear railing wraps down and turns into the ladder. I found a pic of a 1975 19' Monterey online and it showed the ladder. So I am thinking mine is a 75. Do you know if it was an option or does the catalog have any pages that indicate optional add-ons?
  8. ronrw2b2
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    ronrw2b2 Junior Member

    Fiberform Identification

    Thank you for posting this catalogue. I bought my 22' Fiberform two years ago but it wasn't until I read this catalogue that I have been able to identify exactly which boat I have. It's the 1976 22' Westporter. I'm doing a complete rebuild. Thank you.:p
  9. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Utskicat, apologies for the delay in replying - I regret to have to say that there is no additional info in the catalogue re optional extras.

    Ronrw2b2, please do post some photos (perhaps on this thread, or in the Boatbuilding section?) about the rebuild of your Westporter.

    Changing tack, for anybody interested in catalogues of other classic power boats, here is a catalogue of the 1968 range of Lyman wooden boats -

    And a catalogue of the 1967 range of Trojan motor cruisers -
  10. ronrw2b2
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    ronrw2b2 Junior Member

    Here is some photos of my 1976 22' Fiberform.
    Sense these pictures I'v installed the carpet, completed all the engine wiring,built a engine cowling and reinstalled the outdrive. I also have replace some of the cabin side coverings. I'm currently finishing the horn, lights, depth and fish finder wiring. I changing the lights to LEDs, reupholstering seats and rail bumpers. I'm also working on the head liner. I'm not sure if I uploaded these pictures correctly so if you don't get them, let know and I,ll try something else.
  11. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Hello Ron,
    I received an email from the Forum telling me about your post - the email included this link to your photos, which is not included in your post above.

    Trouble is, it doesn't work.......

    I have attached a copy of the scan of the catalogue page re your Westporter - did you try attaching your photos in the section called 'Manage attachments?'

    Attached Files:

  12. ronrw2b2
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    ronrw2b2 Junior Member

    I read the instructions this time so we'll try it again.
  13. ronrw2b2
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    ronrw2b2 Junior Member

    !976 22' fiberform rebuild

    I hope this works. You should get 6 pictures.
  14. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Sorry Ron, but I still cannot see anything attached.

  15. Keeru
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    Keeru New Member

    26ft Fiberfoam boat

    Hi, anyone have any interior pics of the 26ft. I'm in the process of refurbishing mine. Any information would be helpful too.
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