FAST 2015 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation

Discussion in 'Education' started by CDBarry, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    Your preferred approach is so limited, Leo. For example, where in that does the drinking of beer and swapping of sea stories and other lies with colleagues and peers come in to it?

    I saw something posted in a comment section on SNAME about the public release of the proceedings. It was some months out, I believe. But I've got some SES stuff I'll send you a lot sooner than that.
  2. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Thanks: that would be very useful to me, Bill.

    I'm trying to put together material from Chris McK's book and Lawry's
    book for the SES version of Flotilla. It's taking me far too long to
    write the manual and decide on an output format, so I might just
    release what I have sooner than later and modify it in a subsequent
    release if users complain.

    I want to include as many examples as I can muster that can be compared
    to experimental results of resistance, squat and wash. If I don't have
    the exact hull offsets, I'm happy to use a reasonable approximation.
    For extremely thin and slender hulls of SES precise offsets aren't
    critical as long as the length, beam and displacement are close.

    I've coded up estimates of front seal drag, similar to the planing
    ideas in some of Lawry's (and UMich colleagues') work. I'm not fully
    convinced it's the best that can be done and the results of the last
    experiments I read weren't very encouraging.

    Maybe SES practitioners need beer to convince themselves and others that
    they understand how to model and estimate seal drag. I'm old enough
    to spout nonsense without beer: my recently prescribed amphetamines
    don't work better than alcohol, but I can bs faster and longer than
    youngsters half my age now. :)
  3. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    In calm water, neither of the seals is actually supposed to be in contact with the water surface and typically they are "mostly" not. In waves...that's another matter altogether.

    Are you focusing your efforts primarily on the calm water case?

    As for wash, as you are already aware, I'm sure, that is the one parameter we almost never try to measure when conducting SES tank testing or even full-scale tests. About the only truly solid wash data I've ever seen for an SES remains classified as far as I know.
  4. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Yes, calm water only at this stage. If I tried real conditions with waves, that
    would certainly drive me to drink!

    I know seals are not in direct contact with water, but there are difficulties
    (for me) in modelling the small gap behaviour and effects on resistance and
    splash. Modelling the seals as planing surfaces does seem to move resistance
    predictions in the right direction at low Froude numbers, but as I said, I'm
    not all that convinced it is the best way to go. In any case, low speed
    performance of SES is not a huge issue for me - it just makes the plots look a
    little better when low speed experimental points are included in graphs of
    resistance vs speed.

    I didn't know that SES wash wasn't routinely measured, but I'm not surprised
    - SES testing seems to be a monumental enough task without that
    I'm Ok for that aspect, though, because I have good tank data with
    longitudinal wave cuts at different distances from the vessel and at different
    speeds. My modelling is quite good for wash because the hulls are so thin and
    the theory gives very good results (better than for displacement hulls) for
    travelling pressure distributions.

    Are there any upcoming conferences that you know of that are more
    specifically focused on SES and ACV than FAST? Or are they not a
    sufficiently popular type of vessel to warrant separate treatment? (I
    appreciate that there are a lot of commercial/military confidences that are in
    play too.)
  5. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member


    One thing that I have been exploring just a bit (mainly because of my panel on ocean renewable energy, where no one has any budget, though those budgets compare well with small craft R&D budgets), has been virtual conferences. There are a couple of apps/services on the web to do this, but I have no experience with them.

    Has anyone done this?

    What would be needed to reproduce as much as possible the conference experience?

    (How did the monuments/food truck thing go, by the way - it sounded like fun?)
  6. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    None that I know of, Leo. As you've correctly noted, there is almost no activity in the design and construction of those types, the Umoe Mandal SES/ACV development work, and repeat ACV builds by Textron and Griffon excepted. It's a desert out there.
  7. Ad Hoc
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    Ad Hoc Naval Architect

    Yes. Using a service called webex. It is pretty much global. Once you register and sign in, it is better than using Skype, as Skype can only handle 5 different users at once. Well, it was the last time I used Skype for a conference meeting.

    Yup. And the conferences that are on show, the papers are either weak or limited and not really saying anything new either.
  8. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    The paper I co-authored on the development and full-scale trials of a heave-stabilized SES windfarm support vessel was well received...lots of comments and after-discussion. So maybe you and I will have something equally worthy ..or maybe even more publish once we've suffered through the delivery of your current baby. ;)
  9. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Speedy Ocean Vessel -2
    A design to build an ocean vessel for speed as speedboat

    What is my invention about? To bring all vessel sail/travel faster in open sea/ocean.

    How faster? 1st stage 50 knots, 2nd stage 100 knots and 3rd stage 200 knots as my estimation.

    How can I prove it? By a prototype practically travel on ocean.

    How long to do the first prototype? 6 months after shipbuilding started.

    Do I need help? Yes, are you a professional shipbuilder?

    Attached Files:

  10. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    :rolleyes: And that nonsense has what to do with the FAST 2015 conference and proceedings?
  11. myark
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    myark Senior Member

    Sorry,I thought it was about fast sea transportation
  12. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    It was. Of course it is over too..long since.;)

  13. cmckesson
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    That nonsense is even more information-free than the American politicians!
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