FAST 2015 13th International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation

Discussion in 'Education' started by CDBarry, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Don't worry, Bill, I'm not after great detail, so I won't be

    What I really like about FAST proceedings, and what I hope to get out
    of FAST 2015, are some rough dimensions of very recent existing ships.
    For the Wind Farm SES (e.g. Umoe Mandal's recent offering) all I want
    is the approx. displacement, maximum cushion support (e.g. 80%) and
    the overall length, and beam. I can set up a crude approximation that
    users can then add detail to themselves.
  2. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    Between what is already public domain on the UM Wavecraft, and what will be presented, you'll be good to go.;)
  3. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    It's enough for preliminary estimates of wave patterns, sea-bed pressures etc.

    I'm not sure if Lawry Doctors et al will be presenting something at FAST 2015,
    but I'd like to see a bit more on their seal drag experiments before I release
    Flotilla. One of the "team" expressed some disappointment with the last round.
  4. CDBarry
    Joined: Nov 2002
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    Registration open

    See the FAST website: for details, but:

    Registration fees etc.:

    SNAME Member: $680.00
    - Early Bird (Until 1 July): $680.00
    - Standard (1 July and Onsite): $800.00
    Author*: $480.00
    Student: $480.00

    *Author Registration: Only the Lead Author for each paper will receive the author registration rate of $480. For additional authors, registration will be the early bird or standard fee.

    Please contact Alana Anderson ( or +1 703-997-6705) for any exceptions.

    Registration comes with the following:
    - All AM and PM Breaks (Wednesday, 2 September through Friday, 4 September)
    - All Lunches (Wednesday, 2 September and Wednesday, 3 September)
    - Non-Member registration includes one-year of membership upon completion and review of membership application. Applies to Non-Member, Student Non-Member, and Author Non-Member registration fees.

    Tickets (special events)

    Wednesday, 2 September
    - Evening Reception and Dinner (offsite): $75.00

    Thursday, 3 September
    - Monuments by Moonlight Tour: $75.00
  5. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    Well, shoot. :rolleyes:
  6. cmckesson
    Joined: Jun 2008
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    Leo, Lawry is presenting a paper on Dynaplanes, but there is also a paper on seal hydroelastic responses.

  7. Leo Lazauskas
    Joined: Jan 2002
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Thanks, Chris.
    I look forward to seeing the conference proceedings on his work and any other
    work (Bill McFann's?) on SES and ACV.
  8. CDBarry
    Joined: Nov 2002
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    I unfortunately, at the last minute I won't be able to make FAST this time, though I was hoping to. It is looking like a great conference.

    Thanks to Chris McK, Paul Roden, all the SNAME people at the local section and HQ for getting this together.

    Have a great time.
  9. cmckesson
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    cmckesson Naval Architect

    We will miss you Chris, but I applaud your reason for missing. Take good care.
  10. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    See you Tuesday, Chris.
  11. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Hope you all have fun and learn (or teach) something interesting!
    (I'll be happy to hear of any ideas on predicting the drag of SES rear seals!)
  12. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    We had a good time, Leo. Lawry and I exchanged some ideas on how to drag you out of your cocoon to attend some of these conferences. ;)
  13. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    Simple. Just hold the conference across the road from my place, next to the tobacconist.
  14. BMcF
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    BMcF Senior Member

    Best I recollect....that was not one of the options we came up with.:p

  15. Leo Lazauskas
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    Leo Lazauskas Senior Member

    The most practical compromise is for engineers, naval architects and
    experimentalists to present their latest ideas and findings at
    international conferences, and for me to try to incorporate them into
    free computer programs written from the comfort of my lounge room
    during the dead of night.

    Does anyone know when the proceedings be available?
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