Extendable hull

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Infinitus, Dec 7, 2020.

  1. Infinitus
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    Infinitus Junior Member

    Has anyone ever heard of a (design for a) hull that is longitudinally (or vertically) extendable? That is to say, a hull that has an adjustable length (or height)? (Either multihull, or monohull.)
  2. Ad Hoc
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  3. Infinitus
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    Infinitus Junior Member

  4. Ad Hoc
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  5. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Anything is possible, but it must be practical.
    Do you have any more specific details that might clarify your question?
    Many planing hulls are easily extended in length, but other dimensions like beam and height run into problems quickly.
  6. Infinitus
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    Infinitus Junior Member

    Thanks again. I am familiar with this ship, and unfortunately it is, again, very different to what I seek.

    I am exploring the idea of a hull that can be extended to increase its volume (without affecting draft) to thus increase its LWL, and retracted at the will of the operator. It's the hull equivalent to a telescopic boom, in a sense: it can be extended, and retracted over again at the touch of a button. I'm not talking about permanent extension, such as work undertaken in a yard with welders, and fabricators, et cetera.
  7. Eric ruttan
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    Eric ruttan Senior Member

    How do you increase lwl, but not reduce draft?

    Harryproas have crush bows that may be made to flip up at dock to reduce fees.

  8. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you increase the volume, the draft will be reduced, since the displacement (weight) will not change.
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