EPS vs XPS and epoxy/glass

Discussion in 'Materials' started by skyking1, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. skyking1
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    skyking1 Junior Member

    I have an RV roof project, but it will resemble a boat hull with complex curves and shape.
    I had posted about it before, and XPS with a plywood skin was talked about, with a light glassing.
    My concern is about XPS and outgassing/unbonding.
    I have looked into EPS and see it has better properties with regard to that. Either one will insulate the roof as desired.
    Will I be better off with EPS, considering it has a higher stable temperature and is not prone to disbonding?
  2. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

    !" thick stryofoam comes in 4' x8' sheets and has an R-4 insulation value. Epoxy adhears to it but direct sun light degrades it. Reasonably priced. I have a link if you need it. They have a plant 30 miles north of Portland, OR and can produce any shape or thickness you want.
  3. skyking1
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    skyking1 Junior Member

    sure I'd like a link. Whatever I do will have epoxy over it, which also degrades in sunlight. I'll go over it with a white LPU paint.
  4. rasorinc
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    rasorinc Senior Member

  5. skyking1
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    skyking1 Junior Member

    Stan, I wanted to tell you I followed up with your link and contact. He provided me with a quote.
    I plan on building a 'methods and materials' smaller trailer project that will get used and left out in the weather, etc. I don't want to jump off the deep end on the big project without seeing how it goes, how it holds up, etc.
  6. kingmaster

    kingmaster Previous Member

    Could you please update the details here, I am also planning for a re-roofing

  7. skyking1
    Joined: Aug 2011
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    skyking1 Junior Member

    Look at the post above mine. Stan posted a good email address up there.
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