Doing a walk-thru transom

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Ctskip, May 5, 2006.

  1. Ctskip
    Joined: May 2006
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    Ctskip Junior Member

    I have a 1983 31 ft Allmand sailboat with a propane locker for a rear seat in the cockpit.I would like to cut out this locker and make it a walk-thru tramsom.The walls and floor of the locker will remain as they are now(factory).Will I create any problems in cutting away the top two feet of the transom and as wide as the boarding ladder? It seems to me to be a natural but I would like to hear from maybe someone who knows design and or a structural engineer. Heres hoping. Thanks all
    Keep it up,
  2. kenJ
    Joined: Jul 2005
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    kenJ Senior Member

    Re: Walk thru

    Many new boats have them, but they were designed that way. Assume you have a spit backstay so it won't be in the way. I think it can be done, but you may need to reinforce the remaining transom so the spit backstay doesn't "squeeze" your walk thru as the transom flexes under backstay load. You could possibly fashion a new tightly fitting removable seat that fits in the space to help the amount of room the transomhas to flex.
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