DIY Gas Sep Combo

Discussion in 'Propulsion' started by captainralph, Dec 23, 2018.

  1. captainralph
    Joined: Jan 2016
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    captainralph Junior Member

    Installing new 20 & 12kw diesel NL gen-sets.
    Because of limited room in my forward machinery space, I would like to build my own glass muffler-gas-sep units.
    In searching the web for models to compare to, I think I can figure water depth (weight) vs in-let and out-let.
    I just could use some reinforcement on the internal plumbing.

    Anybody been here before?
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Do you mean a wet exhaust muffler?
  3. captainralph
    Joined: Jan 2016
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    captainralph Junior Member

    Well, yes. But a combo wet muffler with a next stage gas sep.
    Here the water drains below the hull and the cooled exhaust gasses blow overboard.
    A much quieter exhaust system.
    Centec and others make them, just not accommodating to my area to install.
    I want to make my own to fit the area I have. Could use a peek inside one to ensure I'm on a correct path.
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