Dimensions for Aluminium Hull, Frames, Stringers, Plating on 93 Feet Yacht

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by michaelberlin, Sep 5, 2017.

  1. michaelberlin
    Joined: Sep 2017
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    michaelberlin New Member

    I am constructing in 3D CAD at the moment a 93 feet modern Sailing Yacht that
    I plan to build the next 2 Years. All Naval calculations I have finished with the professional
    help of a Naval Architect Student, so my Yacht swims straight, rig, weight, shearing forces etc. is calculated

    What I am missing now is some real numbers that are very hard to extract from Lloyds
    Regulations or Germanischer Lloyd. Also in all Aluminium Boat Building Books I can not find
    a real answer.

    So I need some hands on know-how from some people with Aluminium Hull Building Knowledge.

    I am planning with the following dimensions with 5083 H111 Aluminium:

    Frame Spacing: 800 mm
    Frame Thickness: 8 mm
    Frame Width on each Side of Hull: 150-200mm (is 150mm enough?)

    Floor Plate Thickness: 10mm
    Floor Plate Height: 300mm
    Engine Mount Plate/Center Girder Thickness: 12mm

    Hull Plating: 8mm
    Deck Plating: 5mm

    Stringers Thickness: 6mm

    I hope to get some useable answers in this forum.

    Thanks in Advance!!

    Please excuse if English Terms are not appropriate, its a tough one finding the right translations
    from German Ship Building to English.
  2. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you find in it what you are looking for.
    If you use ISO 12215-5 or the Lloyd's Register SSC Regulations, I can help you.
  3. michaelberlin
    Joined: Sep 2017
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    michaelberlin New Member

    I can not use ISO 12215-5 as this is only for Boats with a maximum length of 25 Metres. But Lloyd's Register SSC sounds promising. I do not have any documents on this. Look forward to your help!.

  4. TANSL
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Yes, you are right. I did not realize the limitation in length.
    It is normal to define several panels (bow, center and stern, for example) to study the bottom of the ship, and other panels in the other areas of the hull (side, deck, ....). These panels will be limited by the transverse and longitudinal reinforcements in each zone. All this, and the corresponding dimensions, must be defined in the plane of scantlings. If you send me that plan, I can do the calculations according to the SSC Rules of Lloyd's.
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