DIAM24 new 24' one design racing trimaran by VPLP

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Looks like a very interesting design that would make a nice performance daysailor as well when not racing. No pricing listed but looking at the construction method and demountable design you would expect it to be less expensive than a Seacart 26. Sadly no float foils for Doug but this boat does have float rudders.

  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Seems so short sighted. Also appears to heel over a lot(25-30 degrees) before the main hull flies. High tech in the 70's or early 80's.....

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  3. cmclaughlin
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  4. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The problem is Doug is that this small multi market is very price sensitive the Seacart 26 went down the curved foil route and it costs 117,000 Euro in one design configuration by comparison 50,000 Euro for the DIAM24 is a bargain.

    It's true that the Seacart 26 has a circuit going but they only normally get about 5 boats to each grand prix event it cant really be described as a raging success.
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Well, the curved ama foils didn't cost 67,000 Euro!! There's something else in the mix(or not in the mix). Seems like a number of new cats are using full flying foils yet there is not a single tri from 12' to 24' using even just ama foils as standard. There is only one tri builder in that whole range that offers ama foils as an option-Ted Warren's 20 footer- but I don't think he has sailed with them yet, but I'm not sure. And I wouldn't be surprised if the very cool F22 is available with ama foils as an option.
    All in all, most of these small tri builders don't seem to see any benefit to offering foils and that is too bad.
    Despite what I think is a real shortcoming the boat sure looks nice in this video:
  6. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    looks like a M23 hull with F18 arma's
  7. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The floats are full length so not F18 hulls they do look like them a bit though.

    Length: 24 feet i.e. 7.25 m, Beam: 5.62 m, Air draft: 12.20 m, Draft: 1.5 m, displacement 450 Kg, Sail area: Mainsail: 22m², Solent 10m², Gennaker: 32m²

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  8. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    I like it inspite of the price and no lifting foils.
    Actually the rig and the crossarms appeal to me.
    Not so much the "trendy" hull shape above waterline.
    1000# seems like a lot compared to an old Tremolino at 950# with a much smaller rig.
  9. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    A recent photo of the DIAM24 packed on it's trailer. With the two piece mast it makes a nice neat and compact package. A custom launching dolly is supplied to make launching easier. Apparently they are going to have a small fleet racing at the Grand Prix Guyader.

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  10. R.Finn
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    R.Finn Junior Member

    I've often wondered why Yvan didn't pick this type of open multihull for his current adventure. Seems better suited for the purpose than a beach cat with mega racks way up in the air. Not this boat exactly, but something similar.
    I'm sure he had good reason, as they built his current boat just for his circumnavigation.

    The Diam looks like a huge amount of fun.
  11. Jetboy
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    Jetboy Senior Member

    Looks nice. IMO it's a better chance of success than a Motive 25. On the other hand it'd be a very hard sell for many compared to an F22. Might be faster, but is a lot less practical for about the same $. I'd guess the odds of finding an active racing fleet of F22s is orders of magnitude greater than the odds of an active fleet of these in 5 or 10 years.
  12. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    Vincent Riou and his PRB team have once again stamped their dominance on the DIAM24's with successive first place at the Grand Prix Guyader and Grand Prix Ecole Navale. Second place was taken out by Bruno Jourdren with Bernard Stamm finishing on the podium in third.


    Here is a rough translate of the article:

    The 13th edition of the Grand Prix of the Ecole Navale ended Sunday in Crozon peninsula. Vincent Riou (PRB) won the event in the series of the diam. 24 One Design, while Bernard Stamm (Poujoulat chimneys), is awarded the 3rd place of the event. Vincent Riou (RPB): " balance sheet is good since we won! What is nice is that it was seven boats. It's starting to put a little play, especially because there are people who are now in the game, as Bruno Jourdren which began during the Grand Prix Guyader and which has made significant progress"

    and race by race results are here:

  14. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    The market for a beach cat/tri that costs more than your car is very limited.

  15. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    It certainly is for me.
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