Designer or Design Company with portfolio of Aluminium vessels wanted

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by steve123, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. steve123
    Joined: Dec 2014
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    steve123 Junior Member

    Looking for a designer or design company with extensive portfolia of Aluminium vessels ranging from 14m workboat monohulls to 80m fast cat ferries and more.
    If you or know a company that falls within this criterior please pm me with details and an email address.
  2. middlemarinedub
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    middlemarinedub Captain Vadimo

  3. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    daiquiri Engineering and Design

    I warmly advice you to contact Ad Hoc Marine Designs:

    Their expertise coincides exactly with what you're looking for, and plus they reside in your geographical area.

  4. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Be careful folks. China has a really nasty habit of asking for what seems to be a reasonable commission, when in fact, their intention (from the outset) is to steal the design and begin marketing it as their own. They don't recognize intellectual property rights and they have extremely limited recourse (3rd world level) in the event of difficulties or issues. I know way to many professionals that have been involved with seemingly well intentioned firms in this country, that become quagmires. I think John is already familiar with these business tactics.
  5. steve123
    Joined: Dec 2014
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    steve123 Junior Member

    PAR, I can assure you this is certainly not the case here.
    We do ask for GA and Basic Spec to put to the client and if the client is interested we draw up an agreement with designer for the design fee and royalty payments in the event of multiple vessels.
    Im a Brit and I would certainly not be part of what your suggesting !
    If we can find the right company with the ability and experience we would even consider purchasing that company.
    We currently work with several designers who specialize in certain vessels, but we think if we could find one company for the whole range it would be better.
    These designers make a lot of money from us as most of our orders are for several vessels, they get their design fee then sit back and receive royalty payments for every vessel.
    Anyway just wanted to point out that you have this particular company completely wrong.
  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Not insult intended Steve and I'm glad you and your company are standing up, as many, myself included have been previously told the same thing, just to find our work being published as someone else's and/or produced under another company's banner, as their work. The way you've described it, is the way it's supposed to work, though all too often, particularly in certain parts of the world, this isn't the case. I'm pleased it is with your firm.
  7. starich
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  8. CBD Boat Design
    Joined: Oct 2013
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    CBD Boat Design Junior Member

    Hi, I'm a workboat designer in Spain, I have large experience with this kind of boats working in one shipyard (more than 100 projects).

    Now I'm a new freelancer and have small portafolio:

    I propose to you make one first design free (commercial courtesy) according your datasheet, if you like this first design we can speak of other futur projects.

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