design purchasing

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by scottmarr, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. scottmarr
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    scottmarr Junior Member


    I'm interested in purchasing a boat design, with some of the sequent:

    - 2D study elevations.
    - Conceptual composite design - laminates
    - 3D study model
    - 3D animations
    - General Arrangement (outboard profile, inboard profile, plan view - each deck, fwd & aft elevations
    - 3D renderings.
    - Deck lines plan
    - Deck arrangement plan
    - Interior arrangement (plan & inboard profile)
    - Structural design plans
    - Construction Plans
    - Welding Schedule (if required)
    - Laminate Lay up (structural design package)
    - Miscellaneous details
  2. Boat Design Net Moderator
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    Boat Design Net Moderator Moderator

    If would help get a response if you could outline the basic parameters of the boat you're thinking of (sail or power, style, ballpark size/budget; are you looking for a small runabout or a large yacht) or your SOR (a basic statement of your requirements for the boat itself - capacity, type of operation, speed, draft, etc.)

    Or are you looking to purchase a design package such as you've outlined above for a purpose other than building a specific boat?
  3. scottmarr
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    scottmarr Junior Member

    i need a design for student project..

    I need a boat design enphasizing the structural dimensioning..
  4. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    dude - close your eyes and spin around really fast for 30 seconds sit down and and read your posts trying to imagine that you are someone else who doesn't know what you know. Would your posts "open" up to you?

    If you want quality answers you need quality questions 1st. With your vague requests nobody can help you even if they wanted and had what you wanted.

    Right now you just sound like someone who wants to buy a package to pass an assignment and is too lazy to even do that right.

    so try again and take over 30 seconds to explain what you are looking for.
  5. Perm Stress
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    Perm Stress Senior Member

    Someone might understand you want to build a boat... than he will ask for boat particulars and offer you design, including workshop documentation... at fair price ~5-10% of building cost...
  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I can provide the drawings and conceptual models you'd like, on one of by stock plans. I generally don't offer 3D animations, but usually offer more by way of drawings then the ones you've listed, especially on larger craft.

    Now, this aside, would you be interested in a 135' ketch, a 14' outboard runabout or possible something in between?
  7. scottmarr
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    scottmarr Junior Member

    i need something with relevance in engineering aspects..
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Scottmarr, do you think I would supply fully detailed drawings for a 135' ketch, without the engineering aspects being well covered?

    Stop beating around the bush and nail it down, what do you want? As the drawings are obviously available. Without a little focus on your desires in a set of plans, it will be all but imposable to provide you what you need.
  9. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  10. kerosene
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    kerosene Senior Member

    To me this kind of posting is not very different from kids asking answers for school assignments on Yahoo answers. Some effort would be nice.

    When the person can't take 5 minutes to write a concise proper question it probably ain't worth answering.
  11. scottmarr
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    scottmarr Junior Member

  12. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Yes....the plans are old WWII Navy stuff for model builders. I cant remember the website, try googling "PT boat" " fast attack" and Model Building
  13. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    No 3D models or animation of the WWII stuff, nor engineering notation.

  14. Bruce46
    Joined: Jul 2006
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    Bruce46 Junior Member

    What is the cost of tuition to a good university? That would be the cost of the plan package your are asking for. Oh by the way what is the name of your professor?
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