Design plans for trailerable, ocean going, performance cruiser

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Rookie85, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Rookie85
    Joined: Nov 2015
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    Rookie85 New Member

    Hi everyone,

    you'll have to forgive me if I have placed this thread in the wrong forum, but for quite some time now I’m looking for a medium sized boat building project based on wood epoxy. I’m searching for a design which meets the following criteria. I guess they place the boat in the category of a performance cruiser:

    - Lots of sail area for planning in moderate wind
    - Controllable and easy to handle (single/double handed)
    - Proven design
    - Trailerable
    - (Swing) keel
    - Off-shore capable (category B)

    I really like the concept and idea behind the Seascape boats ( especially the Seascape 27, which seems to be a well proven design to me. But first of all I would like to build the boat myself and secondly the 27 is a bit too expensive for my wallet. Sadly enough the plans for neither of the Seascape models are available for sale. Therefore I’m looking for similar designs, but so far all I managed to dig up are the Dudley Dix boats and some more exotic designs like the Metu 650 ( which are somewhat “outdated” and/or do not exactly meet the requirements.

    So am I missing something or are my expectations too narrow-minded?

    If anyone is aware of designs comparable to Seascape – for which plans can be purchased – I would be more than grateful for a hint.

    Alternatively I could seek professional assistance and ask a naval architect to draw new or alter existing plans tailored to my specifications, but frankly speaking I have no idea how realistic and expensive one or the other would be. So anything regarding this approach (information, experiences, recommendations, etc.) is highly welcome as well.

    Thank you in advance.
  2. CT249
    Joined: May 2003
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Although it's an older design, the Elliott 780 is similar to a Melges 24/SS 27 in speed, I think, and has a significant amount of room. Not sure about Cat B and it has a vertical drop keel, but the design is very adaptable. It was used as the basis for the all-carbon Stealth 780, with wings, which is an absolutely awesome boat- eats Melges for breakfast and has good accommodation.

    For info on a typical E 780, look at boats))&Service=Boatsales)&pso=0&pss=Premium

    Although plans are not currently listed on the Elliott yachts website, they would probably still be available. Most of them were production built but Elliott did sell plans of many designs.

    The Rocket 780 is similar; again an older design but capable in upgraded versions of beating Melges 24s - like the Elliott they have pretty much the same PHRF-style rating as the Melges, which means they would be similar to the SS27. The earlier versions often had bigger cabins. They were classified as having the self-righting capability for overnight offshore Cat 3 racing. Less accommodation than the Elliott, especially in the later versions which have a low cabin top.

    Although these designs are old now, it's probably fair to say that the Kiwis were so far ahead of most other countries when it comes to sportsboats that the designs are still modern in style. They don't have the twin rudders and great beam of Open-style boats because that type of boat does not do as well in our sort of racing, probably due to our wave conditions.

    Another option could be a Callaghan design - his dinghies did well in the very hot UK development class scene and now he has some larger boats. Not as quick as the SS 27 but still possibly worth a look;
  3. BYD_J
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    BYD_J New Member

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