Design Estimate

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by pai wu, May 18, 2013.

  1. pai wu
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    pai wu Junior Member

  2. pai wu
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    pai wu Junior Member

  3. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    It will take You 5 yeas of study and about same for practice, before You can design a boat that can be build and become usable... :)
  4. pai wu
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    pai wu Junior Member

    Hi Alik,

    Thanks but you didn't answering the question. my question is something like this; if you design the boat especially fiberglass boat, such as in link below, how long the duration it will take? 2 days, 2 weeks, or 2 month?
  5. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    Depends on required certification, how difficult is the customer, etc. Such boat from zero to delivery of all paperwork and lofts usually takes 2 months for our team.
  6. pai wu
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    pai wu Junior Member

    Thanks Alik,

    Your answer is very helpful. :)
  7. John Perry
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    John Perry Senior Member

    Some years ago I attended a lecture given by the yacht designer David Thomas. Someone asked this question and he replied that a 30foot grp yacht would take about 800 man hours to design. I thought that was quite quick since working in other areas of engineering I had seen less complex objects than a yacht taking longer to design, especially in defence/aerospace. This was at the height of the grp yacht building boom and I guess that people like David Thomas were churning out new designs like shelling peas - once you have drawn one 30foot fixed keel five berth masthead sloop it probably does not take a lot of man hours to produce half a dozen variants to suit different production boat builders.

    At the other end of the scale I am aware of a large motoryacht project that kept a team of designers busy for more than 10 years and as far as I know it is still ongoing. Client and/or his representatives kept changing spec, requesting new equipment. Another problem was that much of the equipment originally specified became obsolete and unavailable during the course of the design process, requiring continual re-design.

  8. Alik
    Joined: Jul 2003
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    Alik Senior Member

    I think we should clearly distinguish 'single-person' yacht design that usually included lines, arrangement, sail plan and structural section, and design a boat for survey/classification where a lot of paperwork is required. Say, for 10m boat we provide stability calculations of 70 pages, structural calculations inclusion of 80 pages for local strength, 15 pages for global strength and about 50 pages for engine base, strong points and some details, formal calculations of anchoring, mooring and towing equipment, etc. I am not talking about drawings where most of classification societies ask 'shell expansion' for composite craft and fire safety plan...
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