davit ideas needed- have a look

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by awab, May 13, 2014.

  1. awab
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    awab Junior Member

    dear reader
    I am just resoring a ferro cement boat.
    pics are here


    The project goes well so far. I have a break in the moment and working on ideas for my davits.

    It is important to get the dinghy up easy at night/ noice etc
    and on short trips between the islands.
    I am normally taking the dinghy on deck on longer open sea passages.

    The old system had the davits out and could bring a dinghy up via pullys. I have the feeling this takes up to much room between the davit and the dinghy. The dinghy would be not high enough and is no sufficent secured for side movements.

    On my last day in the marina I was cutting a pvc pipe and pushed it over the old structure to see the differnce in design.
    Any comments in davit design is wellcome.

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  2. Rurudyne
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    Rurudyne Senior Member

    Nice boat. :)

    My first thought, bungee cords or straps to the bow and transom of your dinghy and secured to the support posts, might be a hassle in the quick to secure department.
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    What do you mean by too much space between the davits and the dinghy? You can put eyes in the keel of the dinghy and jam it against the davits.
  4. awab
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    awab Junior Member

    hello and thx for the reply
    the problem to push the dinghy against the davitbars is that the bars are not long enough.
    The dinghy would sit only one one side against the two bars.
    I could make them longer but this would look strange and make the boat in total even longer. Going to a fuel dock gets more complicated etc.
    I need some telescopic thing to get the bars in or out or I could swing them arround.
    Strapping the dinghy is needed to some extent but like gonzo wrote pushing it against something hard is the way to go.
    not happy jet
  5. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    How high are those big stanchions on the stern. If high enough from the bottom of their davit arms to the deck to accommodate the beam of your dingy then simply raise the dingy to full height and tip the inside gunnel down and onto the deck while keeping/raising the outboard gunnel up under the crane arms. the dingy will then be tipped in such a position as to ward off any boarding stern seas as well as not subject to collecting rain or sea water.
  6. Yobarnacle
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    I think Viking is suggested something like picture carrying on boarding platform, but at deck level.

    Two other ideas graphically portrayed.

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  7. awab
    Joined: Jan 2013
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    awab Junior Member

    But this is only ok when you have no engine attached.

    I am planning to have at least a 15 hp on this dinghy. If I get a 15 hp 4 stroke we talking about to much weight to get the thing of and on all the time.

    The reality on anchor is that every night you have to lift you dinghy up.
    I make this all the time to get out off any conflict.
    I have been in Nassau harpour last winter and at 4.30 am the wind picked up.
    Some recorded speed up to 55 knots. Nearly all boats tragged more or less. Big confusion. The hole show lasted only 30 min. This are the moments you are very happy not to deal on top with your dinghy.
    If it is calm then you have the constant noise. There is also the problem of theft. If the dinghy is up you chances are better.
    To do this every night means it has to be so easy as possible.
    It is also not enough when the dinghy is only hanging. It has to sit tight. To much wave from others will alway move the boat and the dinghy swings.

    As I am now constructing the davits I might find an easy and comfortable way.

    On Awab my old boat I installed a bar between the two davits. After lifting the dinghy up I could tie it relative easy on this bar and prevented shaking this way.

  8. viking north
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    viking north VINLAND

    Sounds like you have a lot of conflicts going on in your head with that dam dingy :) however it seems you have solved your problem with the new davits, Good Luck

  9. Yobarnacle
    Joined: Nov 2011
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    Yobarnacle Senior Member holding true course

    Have considered changing dinghy? maybe a kayak you can lift by one hand?
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