Daggerboard And Rudder Core

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Martin Goodman, May 9, 2020.

  1. Martin Goodman
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    Location: ABERDEEN

    Martin Goodman Junior Member

    Hi there,
    I'm looking for advise on re building rudder and daggerboard for a 26' trimaran. This is the main step in my refiting project and although I may have and idea would like to get some inputs. Actually both of them were balsa core and are completely soak thus heavy and potencially rotten inside. My plan is to make a female mold for each using the existing shapes and even reutilizing the daggerboard one as the case. I was thinking to go for a 5 mm carbon fiber core and then foam and the carbon again.

    Please let me have you thoughs

    Many thanks

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  2. Chris Rogers
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    Chris Rogers Junior Member

    I'm not sure what other parameters you have or how tight the fit in the trunk is, but I'd look at using a wood core/structure with some fiberglass sheathing. It is much cheaper and faster to build and you won't have to worry about a blind glue joint on the centerline. Wood glued up from small pieces is very stable if the grain is not all the same way - and you'd be sheathing it with at least 400g / 12oz of woven fiberglass wrapped around the nose and past the trailing edge. The trailing edge and the slot for the lifting rope could be made out of G10 fiberglass (bar aft and a sliced tube) if you are concerned about toughness or damage. If wood alone isn't strong enough (depends on wood type, loads on board and how it is held in the trunk... and other things) you could lay up a "plank" of carbon or e-glass unidirectional into a slot in each side of the wood blank before glassing over. If you use epoxy and are careful this should give you a light-enough and very strong board (and rudder too) without the need to build female molds. Lots of variables though!
  3. Martin Goodman
    Joined: Jul 2019
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    Martin Goodman Junior Member

    Thanks for your hint. gonna explore different options before going further. Cheers!
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