Cruise ship-7000 souls-18 lifeboats

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Doug Lord, May 16, 2016.

  1. Doug Lord
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  2. Heimfried
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  3. Tad
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    The real answer is that the ship is not required to have a lifeboat seat for every person aboard. They have a mix of lifeboats and rafts. The space on the the side of the ship between the lifeboats has a bunch of rafts in canisters and chutes to disembark people quickly, similar to airplanes......

    The 370 passenger lifeboats are interesting though.....
  4. serow
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  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Great info ,guys-thanks. Serow-very interesting article!
  6. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    The real question is why in the name of common sense would people pay perfectly good money to be confined in a space where there is precious little elbow room or breathing space. Passengers are crammed into small "staterooms" the likes of which they would never tolerate when at home. In addition the passengers have no control over their destiny at sea. they are at the whim of the weather or subject to the judgement of the captain and his staff.

    Lifeboats, fortunately are seldom, but not in every case, needed. When they are called into service let the devil take the hindmost.
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  7. Squidly-Diddly
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    Once the ship gets into trouble, the rumor/news will spread, particularly among the sort of passengers that never considered it, that there aren't enough (mega) life-boats.

    That will cause a repeat of the Titanic when most of the lifeboats disembark with only a fraction of design load, instead of taking on a few more and letting the over-engineering do its thing.

    Then you will have a real problem when others start thinking their really is a life boat shortage.

    It does seem like there needs to be enough life-boats for everyone on EITHER side or EITHER end of the ship, so they aren't dragging boats across the side of a listing ship's hull, or if a fire breaks out on one end or one side of the ship.

    How about a cruise ship where part of the fun is taking to the "long boats" and accessing landfalls that don't have capacity for 100,000 tonners? This could also feature stairwells/gangplanks down to near the waterline.
  8. Squidly-Diddly
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    Studies show the more concrete and closer together camping spaces are the more popular they are. Majority of campers go camping to be with other campers. Its a block party, not an escape.
  9. DCockey
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    At least some of the "lifeboats" on many cruise ships also serve as tenders for taking passengers to and from shore.
  10. WestVanHan
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    Thinking it would be great and never having been on a cruise-the wife and I got a very decently priced trans Atlantic repositioning cruise on Oasis of the Seas.

    After the first couple days,we were tired of being aboard with 7800 people and spent almost all of our time on our patio or in our cabin.

    Have had 1000x more fun in a single ocean kayak trip, than on that gluttinous floating buffet.
  11. serow
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    Although you restricted yourself to the patio, tell us a little more. Were the facilities in any way adequate or was it a case of queuing for everything? These things look like a floating shopping mall to me and I have a loathing for such places, but I was beginning to think I'm just irretrievably old fashioned.
    By the way there was an article in the papers to the effect that five of these things turned up in Majorca over the same weekend and the place couldn't cope, and elsewhere it was suggested that they are becoming more popular for European holidaymakers because fears of terrorist attacks have badly affected North Africa where the holiday market has clearly become unattractive. If that's so I'm not sure the passengers have thought it through correctly.
  12. Typhoon
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    Given many cruise ships are now so wide and tall, and the waters they cruise so shallow, maybe it's just easier to make your way to the top deck and let it settle on the bottom, or walk over the side as she lists.
    I really want to know how half the boats will launch on such slab sided ships when there is any sort of decent list.....
  13. NavalSArtichoke
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  14. Squidly-Diddly
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    looks like Soviet era block-housing[​IMG]
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  15. Rurudyne
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    Soviet era block housing? Hmmmmm....

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