Crowther buccaneer 33 for sale

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by TriDave, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. TriDave
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    TriDave Junior Member

    When you stop flinching at the term 'yard ornament' being used to describe your boat project, it may be time for someone else to take it on.
    Professionally build in Canada with airex cored hulls and mostly wood decks and structure. I bought this boat about 4 years ago, sailed it for a summer and then had it hauled out in my back yard to paint the bottom and replace some rotten plywood. It turned out that the rot extended to the crossbeam, which I replaced with laminated douglas fir and reassembled the entire aft section from the cabin back, using divinicell and directional glass with epoxy for all the exposed surfaces. For the past year I have been unable to work on the boat and the appearance of a little more rotten plywood forces me to rethink this project. The boat has a Calvert full battten main, new genoa, roller furling, custom pilot house with raised galley floor, custom powder coated aluminum aft rail with arch, low hour honda 8 hp long shaft electric start engine, and like new tramps. It is currently sitting in my back yard. With a few days work it can be launched and motored anywhere. Asking $8k as it sits, also have new interior cushions, and new nexus wind, log, depth instrument set available.

    Located Tampa Bay area. Call David 813 992 1670 for more info.
    pics of the project
  2. bruceb
    Joined: Nov 2008
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    bruceb Senior Member


    Dave, did you change the transom profile? In the "before" pics, there appears to be more rake and overhang at the transom. The later pics look more like my 33.
  3. TriDave
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    TriDave Junior Member

    Yes I did. A prior owner added a couple of feet to the transom and mounted the engine back there. The extension was made of heavy timber and placed the big long shaft electric start honda engine way aft which upset the balance of the boat and made the engine cavitate in any swell at all. The way the rocker was extended basically lifted it out of the water sinking the narrow transom lower in the water without providing the usual benefit of added bouyancy aft and longer waterline.
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